[hider=David Fletchers] Full Name: David Fletchers Age: 16 Blood: Half-Blood Alignment: Neutral House: Slytherin Personality: David is everything that most people wouldn’t expect from a Slytherin. He’s nice and helpful to those who ask it. Loyal even when needed. But he’s not confident. At least not in things he doesn’t know. For example, he knows nothing about Arithmancy. So he won’t even say he can help someone with it (even if it would somehow help him) but on the other hand. He’s talented with Spells and will be very confident in them. This is combined with a thirst for more power. So far he believes power still comes from knowledge and mastery (and there for training). Bio\History: The Fletcher’s their history is somewhat difficult. David’s father was a supporter of Voldemort during his first rising. Of course he was caught. His father always admitted that he had killed a muggle family. He was sentenced for it to Azkaban though due to a lack of evidence he got out early. He swore he’d do better. Not much later he fell in love with a muggle. A woman who is now David’s mother. He started again with her and swore to no longer live in the magic community but instead among the muggles. His personal peace lasted some time. Though when Voldemort rose to power he fled the United Kingdom and went to the United States. A many years after the demise of Voldemort, David was born. After 3 years, though, David used magic for the first time to move a crayon towards him. It scared the hell out of his father, who had hoped that his child would never be involved into the magic world. Though it was David’s mother who convinced her husband that he should go to Hogwarts like he did. Eventually he gave in. David was told at a very young age what he was and that he should keep it secret. At hogwarts he is now part of the Slytherin Quidditch team. It's his second year as a Chaser. He's doing a good enough job at it. Though he's not excelling. So he wouldn't be able to make it to a professional team. Appearance: Searching for a good pic. Notable skills: - Good with Charms and Spells. Both utility, defense and offensive spells. Though for some reason this never shows in duels. - For some reason or another, he’s very good with magical creatures. Something that is very odd as he never saw a magical creature before he studied at Hogwarts. Nor has his father’s side of the family any affinity with them. (In the past he might even have asked a teacher when they are going to learn about dragons.) Wand: 10 inches, Larch wood with a Dragon heartstring. Patronus Charm: Raven Pet: An own named Rana. [/hider] I'm still searching for a good picture though i though i could post it already so you could have a look and say if something's wrong about it. PS: I'm really new at searching a good picture so if anyone has a good idea or site to get them, could you PM me? Thanks in advance!