West's eye twitched underneath of his helmet. Of course this guy was going to be like this, what else did he expect? "You know what? Maybe you don't like people. But I've tried being nice to you despite your horrid attitude. I gave you the chance to not talk to me, but because of something in your little ego or something, you had to turn keep talking anyways and be such a-" West stopped himself and took a deep breath. This was the last thing he wanted. "You know what? Just here this. I get you don't like people. Heck, I even respect it. People have seen things, Lord knows I have. When Reach was glassed, I was both lucky... and unlucky. But you know what? No matter how isolated or jerkish you want to be, I will not let you walk over me. Especially if the mere fact that I'm a sniper has anything to do with it. So I'm going to go now, since I pretty much know you want to be alone." And West turned to walk away. But then he stopped several steps away and turned his head back to Arizona. "But remember one thing. We're a team now. And there is more to being a team than just being on the same side." He slowly turned his head an proceeded back to the mess hall.