[b][center] Planning ahead.[/b][/center] [center]A collab between Lady Fieryfly, Mr Nim and Red Fox. Lady Hoshi, Eiji and Ryoku talk about certain events and make certain plans. Enjoy![/center] [b]A week before the Chuunin Exams.[/b] [hider=Planning Ahead] The sun was shining bright over Amegakure, but Ryoku felt shivers running down on his spire. He was reading the latest reports from around The Rain Country and they left him a bit worried. The situation at the country was not the most stable, and with the Chuunin Exams approaching and taking place in Amegakure, the village had to show the world that it can handle its affairs and at the same time host the exams. But elements all around the country were doing their best to make it impossible for them. And to make matters worse, someone with a personal motivation was reading them. According to the reports, a large group of persons were massing south from the village united by the goal of bringing the village down. That is why he called Lady Hoshi and Eiji to meet him and discuss how things will go. And looking at the clock, they should arrive any minute now. He had a short list of things he would like to discuss with them, and he was sure that they will also tell him several things that may have slipped past him or he happened to forget about. Approaching the door, Hoshi looked at the file she held in her hand, which had details regarding the security of the Chuunin Exams that were going to be held within Amegakure, and after ensuring all of the papers were there, she knocked on the door twice [b]"Amekage-sama, Its Hoshi."[/b] She said and after waiting another moment opened the door, to allow him to finish anything he might've done before she entered. Closing the door behind her, she gave Ryoku a bow before approaching his desk, placing the file on it and then stepping back, waiting for the third person that was supposed to come. The third person arrived only a moment later before the door of the Amekage. He straightened his coat real quick and dragged a hand through his hair. Then he knocked as well. Unknowingly amost repeating Hoshi he spoke: [b]"Amekage-sama, it's Eiji."[/b] With that said he opened the door to find the two other persons already inside. He smiled slightly as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Ryoku greeted both of them by standing up and bowing to them, then he pointed out on the seats prepared for them.[b]" Lady Hoshi, Eiji-San. Thank you both for coming on such a short notice. Please, take a seat."[/b] He waited for a while till they sat down, then he continued.[b]" I have called for both of you, because as you very well know, our village will be hosting the next Chuunin Exams. And to make matters worse, there are ... certain elements that are trying to ruin the image our village is steadily building. Before that, I would like you two to tell me anything you consider to be of importance and I might have slipped past it."[/b] Giving a quick bow to Eiji as he arrived in the office, Hoshi sat down at the chair behind her and listened carefully to what Ryoku had to say. The fact there was elements that could cause trouble during the exams and ruin Amegakure's reputation made her slightly worried, but she figured that the Amekage already had a plan set [b]"I don't have anything important to report on my side, at least not on that scale. I will need to go over the security details for the exams with you two after we are dong discussing this matter."[/b] She said and then looked at Eiji, waiting to see if he had anything important to say. Eiji replied with a curt bow and took the seat without speaking. He waited for Ryoku to be done. [b]"I have reports about our Jinchuuriki, but those can wait after we are done speaking about other matters. It is not of the highest importance. I'd like to hear about these 'certain' elements first, if that is okay."[/b] Eiji said. [b]" Very well, thank you. The situation is as it is. A long ago, when I was but a mere Jounin, two teams were sent on a mission ... a mission that went terrible wrong. So wrong that we lost half of the people sent within minutes. We were backed up by several ANBU operatives, but even they had a hard time standing up to them. At the end, we managed to accomplish the mission, but the cost was bloody. Several of us died right after we returned to the village. As it turned out, the mission went awry because of betrayal from within. The Jounin council led an investigation, and we managed to bring out the traitor - my best friend at the time ... his name will not be spoken here. He betrayed us and was imprisoned with a life sentence. But as Soru and his terror ruled over the village, he managed to break free and escape us once again. Since then, he is eluding capture. And in the recent times, he developed a strong desire to have his revenge on both me and Amegakure. At first, nobody listened to him but ... as you know, there is always unrest. People started to join him, mostly the ones not satisfied with our nation having its village. I already sent an ANBU operative at a key location I suspect they will attack ... but he alone will not be able to manage it. That is why I wanted to talk with you about our options, Lady Hoshi, Eiji-San."[/b] Sighing a bit, he leaned back in his chair.[b]" Maybe things would have turned out differently, but my past decisions cannot be changed. We need to reinforce our operative at the most crucial food plantation in this country. I dread to think about the option that they will manage to run it over and destroy it. That is why our regular forces must be mobilized and done so quickly. One ANBU, however skilled he might be, can only buy us time."[/b] Closing her eyes after Ryoku described the past event and how it affects them now, She let herself think about it for a couple of moments. He already sent an ANBU to deal with them, which is clearly not enough. Opening her eyes, Hoshi thought something about this seemed familiar to her, but decided this was not the time to think about the past. Moving to look at Ryoku, she thought about a possible plan [b]"First of all, if this is a person who has previously been in Amegakure, then we need to assume that he knows how Amegakure used to operate its defences, and that he might also have spies within our ranks right now. I do not believe any of us is a spy, but I can come up with a simple counter in regards of the defences within Amegakure. Besides the increased defences from the fact we are holding the Chuunin Exams, we will inform everyone that everything will be as ordered, but each day I will personally go between the patrols right after they begin and tell them to change, still ensuring that the patrols cover all of Amegakure and that way I'll know where everyone is supposed to be. Then I will coodinate with our sensory team and ensure that all the patrols are as I've told them to be. If a single man within the patrols takes one wrong step without informing one of us first, I'll catch him and immediatly send him to be investigate."[/b] She said. Turning to look at Eiji for a moment, she let out a small sigh [b]"Unfortunatly, we cannot inform them that this is because of the rebelious group you just spoke of. So, instead, I will tell the patrols this is so the defences of Amegakure during the exams will be unexpected, and thus, more efficent."[/b] Hoshi said and then turned to look back at the Amekage [b]"I'm uncertain of how many people we can send to aid the ANBU, however. I will take a moment to look at my file and figure out if its possible to extract any jounins from the guarding duties here."[/b] After saying this, she reached the file that was on the edge of Ryoku's desk and took it, beginning to go over the numbers and other details within it [b]"I'm still paying full attention to whatever you may say. I am fully capable of multitasking."[/b] She added, to ensure that they won't consider her move to be too rude. [b]"Not in multitasking that much."[/b] Eiji intercepted her. [b]"You want to be the one, on your own, that checks all the patrols and such? There is no way you can pull that off unless you make a gazillion Shadow Clones and we all know that that is not what you should do. I suggest we split that task either between the two of us or the three of us. Yet I agree with the rest. Informing the troops will only alarm them. Besides Chuunin Exams are enough reasons to up the security anyway especially with more Jinchuuriki around. If I may ask,"[/b] he turned to Ryoku. [b]"Not to be disrespectful, but we should know what we are up against and what measure we can pull to ensure the safety of the city. If you expect an attack, sir, then you need to tell us everything about this man and the group of people and you have to accept that... may it come to an attack... that we might kill him."[/b] Ryoku turned his head towards Eiji.[b]" If I know where he is and what is he doing, I would be out in the field, doing my best to stop him. We have no exact knowledge about his plans our wherebaouts except the general direction of south from the village. Make no mistake, Eiji-San. I have no interest in talking to him, or regrets about the past. I do not expect a direct attack from him - he will want to make us suffer as much as he can. We have no idea what we are against - their numbers are unknown to us, their capabilites too. We suspect that several shinobi who are not satisfied with their lives are joining him. So we can expect to stand against a rather small force but ... I don´t want to underestimate anything. As for their leader ... he used to be an ANBU operative with several succesfull missions accomplished by him. They wanted me to take his spot once he was imprisoned, but I refused. Though, it is highly possible that his provess have increased since then. Revenge is a strong drive for most people and he is one of them."[/b] Hoshi merely nodded as she listened to the two of them [b]"Eiji-sama, I did not mean that I can perform all of that on my own. I merely meant that I can listen to you and Ryoku-sama and read this file to its fullest details without losing my concentration. I never expected to perform what I suggested on my own, as it would be very taxing on my chakra reserves. As for the person we are facing, the fact he is a former ANBU means he will most likely be capable of spotting any ANBU coming, so I think that trying to pull an ambush on him will not work. Only way to attack him is with a direct attack."[/b] She said and after looking at the last page, she raised her head and closed the file before placing it back on Ryoku's desk [b]"I believe that if we slightly adjust, and count the additional forces the Fire Union is providing us to ensure the events at the rice country will not repeat, then we have about 20 jounins we can spare."[/b] She said. Eiji shot a look to Hoshi who kind of misinterpreted his words. It didn't really matter in the long run so decided to just nod along. [b]"Speaking of the Fire Union, we should inform them of this. I understand that we might want to handle this by ourselves. We are capable of that and calling in help for every little vendetta against the Rain is not needed, but we should at least have them know what is going on. After all we are a subject nation of them and I have no doubt they will find out anyway. Better to keep the trust as we have it. Besides that I don't think we should worry too much about attacking and more about defending. Ryoku-sama, you said that you suspected an attack. This doesn't mean an attack will come. So if we prepare for it in a defending way we don't waste people on an open attack. We don't have the manpower for that, not with the Exams now where we need ever man and woman already."[/b] Ryoku remained silent, consindering what has been said so far.[b]" Very well. You are right, Eiji-San. I will notify The Fire Union, more precisely Lady Meisa personally. The trust we earned ourselves is not one we want to lose just because our pride of not calling on our allies. Focusing on a defence is wise indeed - but then again, the best defence is a good offence. Him being a former ANBU means he knows a lot about our village, indeed. That is why we will not underestimate him. Even though a lot of things changed here, we must not rely on them. Twenty jounins are more than sufficient, Lady Hoshi. I want you to pick the four best of them - I will personally lead them once we will know their exact location. We will keep the rest of the men you mentioned in the village, in aid of the defensive measures. I suspect that Lady Meisa will not be willing to risk anything to threaten the exams - and I am certain that the combined forces of the Fire Union and our forces can handle this threat. I think this covers this part ... now ... to our Jinchuuriki. Eiji-San, would it be possible for me to meet her?"[/b] Listening carefully, Hoshi nodded [b]"I'll be sure to give you the names of the four best jounins within those twenty, Ryoku-sama. And I agree as well to the idea of informing the Fire Union. I believe it will only help us."[/b] She said and then glanced at Eiji's direction. She hadn't seen the Jinchuuriki since the sealing and wondered how was the young girl doing. Eiji scratched the back of his neck. So now the subject came to Kuni. He didn't want to talk about her like she was some sort of object and by calling her "our Jinchuuriki" that was just what they did. But he knew that it was kind of how it went. [b]"Of course, Amekage. She pratically lives with me. You can meet her anytime you want. If you want I could call her over right now. You call, sir. I think she is doing well though that is why I wanted to talk to you. I know that Miss Ichi adjusted the seal we made. This seal, however, is severly imparring her capability to preform at the moment. During our latest spar she had to back down because she got dizzy and couldn't see properly anymore. Now I don't know overly much about Bijuu sealing and the side effects, but I would really like to know what Miss Ichi added to the seal. I know it is an unusual request and I would understand if you would say no, but if possible I would like to speak to Miss Ichi personally and ask her these question meaning I would have to go there, during which I can also convey this message about the attack."[/b] Ryoku considered the request for a while. It was only natural from him - Eiji cared deeply for Kuni, so it was understandable.[b]" Of course, Eiji-San. I will do my best to grant you an audience with Lady Meisa - though, she is a busy woman, of course. I wil do what I can, and than - the rest is on her, but seeing that I am also ... interested in what she did to Kuni. After all ... my village is my family. And I will not sit idly, watching as they are limiting somebody from my village. Now, if possible ... could I meet her, please?"[/b] Standing up from her seat, Hoshi went and approached the window before opening it [b]"I'll send someone to fetch Kuni."[/b] She said and made a whistle. After a couple of moments an owl, which appeared to be rather old, came and landed on her arm before looking up at her [b]"I need you to go find Yoshikuni Sadako. Let her know the Amekage wishes to speak to her and to come and wait outside his office until she is called to come inside."[/b] She said, and the own nodded [b]"Understood Hoshi-sama. Good day Ryoku-sama and Eiji-sama."[/b] The owl said, addressing the two men in the room before flying out of the window, heading out to find his target. Afterwards she closed the window and went back to sit on her chair before looking at Ryoku and Eiji [b]"There is probably still a bit of time before she arrives here. Anything else you wish to discuss, Amekage-sama, or may I present the security details for the upcoming exams?"[/b] She asked in a polite tone. Ryoku stood up as Lady Hoshi sent her summon away and walked up to Eiji, standing close to him. He looked into his eyes and took a deep breath.[b]" There is something you need to know, Eiji."[/b] Looking away for a few seconds, his eyes fixed themselves into his again. Sadness was visibly present on his face.[b]" I am the one who gave Meisa the permission to manipulate Yoshikuni´s seal. She had some concerns about the loyalty of our village, now that we have sealed the beast ... she was afraid that we will turn her into a weapon of mass destruction ..."[/b] Ryoku placed a hand on Eiji´s shoulder.[b]" I understand if you will hate me now, Eiji. I did it in order to protect our village, but mostly to protect Yoshikuni from the negative influence of the beast inside her. I still see her as a member of my family, a member I want to protect with all I got ... I am sorry, Eiji. I am so ... sorry."[/b] Ryoku turned his view only after several seconds of silence passed. Then he turned to Lady Hoshi and nodded. He was afraid to speak up, as his voice might break. Bewildered Eiji looked at Ryoku. The apology felt.. wrong. It wasn't that Eiji didn't understand [i]why[/i] it had happened, it was more that he wanted to know exactly what happened. And what he could do to help Kuni with it. [b]"No need to apologize, sir."[/b] EIji said. [b]"Really. You had good intentions in mind and I am sure that this alteration isn't damaging Kuni."[/b] He glanced to the hand on his shoulder and smiled slightly. [b]"I know you did it to protect the village and satisfy the questions of the Fire Union."[/b] With that said Eiji turned away from the man as well. [b]"Nothing else to report from my side Hoshi."[/b] After hearing the confession of Ryoku and Eiji's response, Hoshi was unsure of what to say for a moment, feeling a bit uncomfortable, but after getting approval to proceed from both of them, she nodded and grabbed the file on Ryoku's desk. Opening it, she took out a couple of papers and gave each of the men one [b]"The security detail is rather simple. We have stationed Jounins at each field entrance, along with two additional patrols per day. Each Kage that arrives in the village has been approved to come with a limited amount of his own guards that will serve as actual guards for him and any of the participants. Other than that, we have made an open clearance for visitors to come here, but they cannot enter the village with any kind of physical weapon. Any attempts to use a jutsu by any kind of visitor will cause the visitor to be stopped by a chuunin or jounin from our forces. This is to ensure that there is no chance of any attacks between participants of different villages, as not all villages are friendly towards one another, despite the event."[/b] Taking a deep breath, Hoshi continued to speak [b]"I have also sent a couple of specific instructions to the Sensor team as well as representives of each Village. I've instructed the sensor team to add an additional, more focused layer to the sensing sphere to allow easier tracking of any jutsu that may be performed without approval outside of the Training Facilities. The instructions I have sent to the representives of the villages is that all visitors and participants may roam the village but they may not use any technique outside the Training Facilities. I have also written to them that they do not need to worry about any health problems and that we have several medical teams waiting at each field, and that all injured participants will recieve full treatment. The last thing I have done, which is something only you two will know of, is that I have disabled the area genjutsu I have placed around the village for the period of the exams. I did not wish to let any other village know of it and will bring it back as soon as the exams are finished."[/b] She said. The papers both recieved had the exact same info on them, except more detailed [b]"Any questions or suggestions?"[/b] She asked. Ryoku listened to everything as he was looking at the paper in his hands. He was very satisfied with the preparations Lady Hoshi made for the exams - this will hopefully prove to the rest of the world that they are now a village that can handle organizing such a large scale event.[b]" Splendid, Lady Hoshi. I do not know what more to add to these precautions you listed - they cover pretty much every single one of my concerns. But we must remain alert - if somebody will want to distrupt the exams, they will attempt it, no matter the precautions. But I am sure that we will handle any and all problems that might arise. Our village has changed a lot, and we changed with it. I will keep this copy of the measures safely in my office. I assure that implementing them was not an easy task, so I would like to ask you, Lady Hoshi, to take a free day - if you want to, of course. The same goes for you, Eiji-san. Though ... knowing you ..."[/b] Ryoku did not finish the sentence, but laughed a bit instead. To see those two taking a rest was a rarity. Eiji had to say Hoshi's elaborate plans impressed him. She really had thought about this on a way deeper level then Eiji had done. As she spoke he nodded along with her words, showing his approval. [b]"Excellent."[/b] He said as she finished, his appreciation showing by the use of one of the best words with an 'e' there was. [b]"Absolutely nothing to add. As the Amekage said I think you covered it nicely. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with among those things and I would be glad to assist you. As for that free day..."[/b] Normally yes, Eiji would probably decline that offer. Ever since he had gained the position and ever since the events that happened about a year ago he had been working harder. [b]"I might take you up on that, sir. I'd like spending a full day with my daughter. Her birthday is this month after all."[/b] He said smiling slightly. Sending the two men a smile after they had both given their approval, Hoshi stood up from her seat [b]"I'm afraid I cannot afford to take a day off, Amekage-sama. I am expecting replies from the different villages about confirmations on which genins will be attending and afterwards I also need to start speaking to the jounins who will be standing guard at the entrances to the fields and ensure they understand the importance of their roles. Later I also need to go over the Training Facilities and ensure there are no blindspots of any kind in each field."[/b] She said before giving the two men a bow [b]"Seeing I have nothing else to report, and you two already stated that you have finished with your topics, then I would take this chance so I could start taking care of the other matters. Good day, Amekage-sama, Eiji-sama."[/b] She said and got up from her bow. After opening the door, she turned to look at Eiji [b]"Whenever it may be this month, I wish your daughter a happy birthday."[/b] She told him with a smile before leaving the office, closing the door behind her. Ryoku returned the bow to Lady Hoshi as she left, then looked at Eiji.[b]" But of course, Eiji. If that is the case, I am not asking you, I am ordering you to take a few more free days ... especially the one before and the one after her birthday. The day of her birthday is a given thing. And also ..."[/b] Ryoku closed both of his hands and molded some chakra into them. He was using his Earth Release in a way he never imagined he would, but it happened. When he opened his palms, a medium sized butterfly from stone was sitting on his palm.[b]" If I could ask you a favor, can you give her this as a gift from the Amekage?"[/b] [b]"Thanks you, Hoshi."[/b] EIji said with a small bow towards the woman that was leaving the office. It was strange to think that Sachi was turning two this month. It seemed so short still, her life, Samaki's... death. Eiji smiled to the Amekage as he banned the thoughts about his lost wife to the back of his head. Slightly impressed by Ryoku's craftmanship he accepted the gift. [b]"Thank you sir, I am sure she will love it."[/b] [i]Let's hope she won't break it.[/i] where the thoughts that Eiji kept silent in his mind. He knew his daughter and he knew that she wasn't careful. Still the gesture was extremely nice. [b]"As for that many days off. I'll see if I can handle it."[/b] He grinned slightly before bowing to the Amekage. [b]"Thanks again sir."[/b] He said before turning around and walking to the door. Within seconds he had left the room and Ryoku would be alone again. Ryoku observed the closed door for a couple of seconds. Amegakrue was changing, indeed. And what made him happy about is was the fact that it was not because of him - it was because of people like Eiji or Lady Hoshi being a part of the village. He could not help, but feel glad to have people like them in the village. He then turned and walked to his window, enjoying the sight the village offered him. He smiled at the look. [b]" Who I am is not important. My message is. A message of peace ... love ... understanding."[/b] [/hider]