Jespir's head shook back and forth as he followed the conversation between the two, and suppressed an amused and astonished smile at their exchange of sharp words. It was always nice seeing teams work together. He settled into a nearby chair and leaned back as if attending a play. His comments, though, remained unvoiced. This verbal duel was between them, and he was definitely not getting involved. The talk, as entertaining as it was, soon finished. His eyes followed the farmer boy, Ernst apparently, storm out the tavern before switching to the one-armed woman, Kat. "That was one hell of a show," he laughed. "I'm anxious for an encore." He nodded in greeting towards the arriving companions. His introduction was past due. "Name's Captain Jespir," he greeted with a grin. He had never really thought to himself as a captain, but he like the ring of it.