Alaska shrugged. She had never had much contact with A.Is, but if the whole aim of the project was to test how effective elite soldiers could be with A.Is it was worth a shot at least. Right? "Dunno. I don't even know what A.I are available, but I think we're supposed to be implanted with the one that fits our personality and combat style the best...So if there is any that are backflipping, wall-punching badasses, I call dibs!" She said with a laugh. Soon after the two freelancers reached the medbay. The doctors gave them the form for allowing them to go through with the operation. Alaska barely read through it before quickly signing. She was then given the same pills and glass of water as Washington, but instead of drinking it in one go she hesitated. She kept her helmet on as she turned to the doctor. "You know what, how about I drink this in the surgery room? Save everybody time?" The doctor looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but shrugged. "See you later Kansas." She said as she walked away at a brisk pace, not even waiting for her to answer. Once in surgery Alaska took a deep breath and quickly removed her helmet, her eyes still closed. She had ordered the surgeons to activate the metal shutters on all the windows, even if the surgery would take just a few seconds. She took one last breath before taking the pills, dropping like a sack of bricks on the surgery table soon after. When Alaska opened her eyes once more she was back on her room. Her hands quickly reached for her head and sighted in relief as they felt the metal touch of her helmet. The throbbing headache was a bit bothersome though. She shook her head but that only made her hiss in pain. Okay, no more moving now. She lied down for a few seconds, the metaphorical hammer pounding against her skull slowly stopping as she took several deep breaths. Alright, she was fine now. And that was when she noticed the small, red person doing backflips on the edge of her vision. She blinked and looked at her desk. Whomever the little guy was, he sure knew how to move with style. He did backflips, frontflips, cartwheels and even somersaults. Alaska looked at him fascinated until he finally noticed her. "Hi!" He said with a child-like voice. "My name is Chi! What's yours? You wanna play?" He said, extremely excited. Alaska only blinked again before smiling slightly. "My name is Alaska, Chi. Are you my A.I?" she asked as she held out her hand for him. The little red programme rushed foward, jumped and did a roll as she landed on her open palm. "Yeah! We're gonna be the best buddies you and me! Forever and ever!" He said as he jumped up and down before he remembered something. "Oh right! The Director told me you also have super-duper agility powers or something like that! You should check them out!" he announced cheerfully. Alaska's smile grew. Well, now she had to try...Right after her headache stopped killing her.