"Must be nice having servants help wash you make you dinner, not that I'm complaining". He looked at her "okay lets go'\" he picked her up and jumped into the trees. It was easier to hide up in the canopy than on the ground it took several hours to get to the town. He jumped out of the canopy and set her down "stay here ", he quickly went into the shadow of the buildings. He scouted out the town trying to spot either faction in the city but it was clear. The towns folk would recognize him if he didn't find a mask or a helmet. He found a back door of a shop, he broke the handle and went in. he started rummaging quietly through the store, until he found a half mask that covered every thing below his eyes. He quickly put it on, he set several coins out on the counter enough to cover the broken door and the mask. He snuck back out quietly closing the door and made his way back to Victoria he gently took her hand and led her to the nearest inn.