Jax: Jax wakes up to an alarms on his phone he looks and reads as he finds out a rouge agent had been fired upon and is fleeing he quickly spings up and grabs all his equipment. As jax runs out he calls over the radio to the squad " xray fall in on my position" a solider runs by and jax says " private what happened here" the private stops salutes and says " Sir a solider had just gone awall and someone fired whole base is on lock down, who ever shot without authorization is sure to be in some trouble ". jax smiles and says ": thanks you solider fall back to your unit and await orders' the solider salutes and says " sir yes sir". Chris Chris sits around a table of his unit and they talk as they hear over the radio someone escaped by a near by base. Chris says " someone fucked up, stan got everyone freaking out i think its the heat." everyone laughs as chris's comic relif was just to much for them. Sitting around and waiting for his brothers or sisters to get hurt was a little werid for all the new guys but the verterans were always read to go. Kandahar air field is always bustling with planes and helicopters so there was always something to watch.