[img=http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/ApolloThirteenth/Roleplaying/davidbannername_zps66a920cf.png] David instinctually understood what was happening when Caitlin had suddenly gone into panic mode. He heard the loud train signaling their departure and he put his book and wand away as he helped Caitlin into a random compartment. "Hopefully we can find an empty one," David said, "don't worry, it'll pass like it always does." They somewhat stumbled into a compartment with people already in it (Prof. Hawkins, Mark and Rose). "I'm quite sorry about this guys," David said, his Brittany accent becoming more pronounced under the stress, "my friend is a bit under the weather due to the trains departure." He helped Caitlin take a seat next to the woman (Prof. Hawkins). He then smiled and pulled out some magic chocolate from his bag and gave it to Caitlin. "I came prepared this time. These are special chocolates that should help with the nauseous feeling. He had found the chocolate in Diagon Alley, in the famous Weasley shop. There were some pretty cool things to be found there. A picture of one of the twins who perished during the Battle of Hogwarts could be seen over a fireplace with dancing multicolored fire. He had met Molly Weasley, who was at the Battle of Hogwarts. He didn't get to ask her questions or anything and he didn't really want to bother her, so he just bought his things and went to meet up with his parents for dinner. He placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her and then stood. It seemed that the compartment was at full "technical" capacity, but there was still some room to squeeze in. "Don't worry guys," he said, "I have an idea." He took out his wand and pointed it towards the side of the compartment with the window. It was just a simple extension charm. He flicked his wand and spoke the charm. The tip of his wand glowed a little, but it did not have the intended effect. Instead of the compartment extending, the entire compartment as well as the entire train cart shook violently, causing the windows to reverberate. David stumbled back a little. After a moment of awkwardness, a small note slipped into the compartment from under the door. "Oh," David said, moving back towards the window and looking at the note that had turned into a talking makeshift paper mouth, "this is not good." "Dear Mr. David Saint-Vincent Du Martin Le Croisé," the female voice spoke from the note. "As Mistress Undersecretary Third Red Class of the Hogwarts Express Adherence and Truancy Compliance Enforcement Department, I am informing you that you are in violation of Section Four-thousand-six-hundred-and-twenty-seven, clause eighty-two: No witch or wizard may utilize an extension charm on or within a compartment for any reason, including loss of life or threat thereof. As an underaged wizard and student of the esteemed Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizzardry, you will not be taken henceforth to Azkaban." David wasn't sure how relieved he should feel about that since he thought that being sentenced to Azkaban for an illegal extension charm was a bit over reacting. "I can assure you that I am not overreacting and an Illegal extension charm is reason enough to submit someone to Azkaban under my book. If it were up to me, I would-" the note cleared its...throat, "anyway - Ten points from Ravenclaw!" With that, the note shredded itself and the compartment was silent. It was then that he noticed Prof. Hawkins. "Please tell me you're not the new Headmistress of Ravenclaw," David said, then quickly added, "Ma'am." His face was red and he felt really embraced and bad about possibly scaring everyone on the train. Not only that, he had just lot ten points for Ravenclaw, in front of it's headmistress. This day could not get any worse.