Etsuya grasped onto Shou’s hand, grinning at his remark as he was hauled up onto his feet. He squinted his eyes as they began to adjust to the light. With the introduction of light he was now able to see his roommate, a boy with white hair and blue eyes. “Heh heh, maybe you’re right,” he said, agreeing with Shou before spinning around, observing their new little home. There didn’t seem to be any other ways out, excluding that door, and on the opposite side of the room there were shelves, lined with cleaning chemicals and supplies. As far as he could tell there was virtually no way out. He scratched his head his eyebrow shooting up before looking at Shou with an inquisitive face. “Then again, maybe lying around is what we’re supposed to do. Maybe we should just wait for an answer, rather than try to find one?”