UPDATE: Some things to note that have been brought up. UPDATE 2: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/67025/posts/ic]IC and OOC[/url] 1: This rp is FREE. I've never heard of or considered charging people to roleplay...just no, it's free as it should be. 2: This is an rp based off a game my team is working on, it is just roughly based on the world and you will likely head a completely different direction with the story than the actual game will go. For the most part feel free to do what you want like any other rp. Just don't do anything too weird... 3: The Project Shadow thing I mention a few times is a way my team and I are making where people can have their own characters, locations, and so forth created in game. This doesn't have much to do with the rp just an option if you want to take your rp character over to the game. (and if you do so it works like a Kickstarter, it's basically a reward for supporting us with your hard earned money. Except unlike a Kickstarter we start making your content and showing it to you within a couple days so you don't have to worry if we keep our promise) (This post will be updated a lot as more content is created, be sure to check for post stating *update* to see if the first post has been updated) [center][u]Introduction[/u][/center] Let me just start with how I am grateful for this community, it got me into roleplaying and later game development over two years ago. I loved how we could create an infinite number of worlds with lovable (sometimes hated) characters and just have a blast doing it. It inspired me to dedicate the last seventeen months of my life to forming a team and creating a project for everyone to enjoy. It's been a long time in the making and it's just now starting to get some funding in order to come to life. Today I am happy to present to you, Project Shadow. [center][u]Project Shadow[/u][/center] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/219/a/a/scorpion_final_by_livingdreament-d7u81k6.png] [img=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/244/f/3/mid_by_livingdreament-d7xm0xj.png] (Concepts of character design- Created by Tony) Project Shadow is my team's effort to create an open world RPG that everyone can be a part of in the making without having any game design skills. What this means is that characters you come up with, locations to visit, and quest to go on, are in part, created by the community. We'll be working alongside our supporters to bring their content to life and make sure that the world has a little piece of everyone in it. In this case we'll be roleplaying ideas that will later go into Project Shadow if you so choose. [center][u]The World[/u][/center] [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/292/5/a/city_concept_by_livingdreament-d83ezvr.png] (Concept for Urbi Lupi, aka the City of Wolves-Created by Erel) The Earth we know today has long been lost. All that is left is rubble of a past age, one forgotten in the passage of time. That which was not claimed by nature has been used to rebuild this new world. Humans have begun to recover and have begun to build towns and cities again but much like when the Romans were overtaken by barbarians the world has plunged into yet another dark age. One where humans are [i]not[/i] alone. For a time dragons plagued the land, among other undesirables like bandits and the cruelty of nature. But it was due to dragons that humanity took a turn towards the light. Individuals throughout the world discovered that they could form bonds with dragons, not only did these unique individuals have the ability to tame these incredibly powerful beast but they themselves began to share abilities to that of their dragon. These people became known as Dragon Lords, which for a time protected their home and helped it grow. These villages became towns and these towns fused to form cities. One day these dragon lords came together and formed a council in which they formed an allegiance that created a nation. A nation that would be ruled by delegates and not the Dragon Lords themselves. Instead the Dragon Lords would act as guardians keeping bandits at bay and helping people survive the brutality of nature. This council created a time of peace and prosperity, but it didn't last. One of these Dragon Lords formed a group in secrecy which sought to overthrow the council and replace it with one that had direct control over Novus Anima and it's people. In one sudden attack these traitors started a war that resulted in the death of nearly every Dragon Lord, be them traitor or council member. Those that survived went into hiding and in five years not a single one has been seen since. The cities that had prospered under the council once again faced the dangers of bandits and nature without anyone to guide or protect them. [center][u]How it Works[/u][/center] Basically the creation process works like a character sheet. You fill in the needed information as well as any extra details you want to add and then our artist get started on bringing it to life. When the website for Project Shadow launches you would select a region in the world you wish to create your content, you then select what type of content you would like to make, and the details of the content. So for example, you could make a basic character that lives in the region of Shio, a coastal city that is based around trade and fishing. Here's a list of character types as I imagine they will be the most popular choice for roleplayers since that's what we make most often. [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/284/9/f/character_types_by_livingdreament-d82f8zi.png] For locations it's more straight forward, what type of location is it? What size is it? Are there any specific details about the location? [img=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/294/f/4/low_class_cut_out_by_livingdreament-d83nr38.png] (Lineart- Created by Erel) [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/202/b/e/hunter_s_guild__wip__by_livingdreament-d7rql8w.png] (Hunter's Guild Concept- Created by Tony) [center][u]How do You Participate[/u][/center] We want this world to be one a community of hundreds, maybe even thousands, share in the making of. That's not all going to happen here at the guild but it's a good place to start. The long term goal is to have this game fund itself, I work for free but the five artist, composer, and other programmer are freelancers that I have been working with over the last year or so. For now we're not asking for money, not yet. That's not why I'm here. I'm here so you guys can come up with ideas, play around, and in a sense, find the flaws in our plan so we can fix them and improve before we start asking for money. Then if you do end up liking what you've come up with and you want it/them to be in the game, then when we launch the Project Shadow website you can go over there and send it in for our team to work on. Which at that point we just ask that you cover the cost of the art/animation, all the writing and programming will be done by me for free to make your creation not just look tangible but also be believable. [center][u]What is the Roleplay about?[/u][/center] The goal of the roleplay is to give you some freedom to make what you want but keep it close enough to the rules of Project Shadow so that if you want your creations to be in the game they still make sense there. Which in short, the only rule is that the creations need to make sense in the world of Novus Anima. No lizard men if we don't have lizard men in the world. To make things easier we're going to stick to one region for now and expand as time goes on and people get exposed to all that thee is to know about the world. (Then you guys can sort of help each other grow and figure out things) That region is... [center][u]Urbi Lupi[/u][/center] Also known as The City of Wolves, this city is built into the base of a mountain a part of the eastern mountain range. The locals have been a tough group of survivalist. They make homes from the wood of the forest, stone from the mountains, and the rubble left from the old world. They make clothes from the local game, make a profit from the local mines, and bear through the harsh winters. Given it's name for the unique race of people that live there known as lycans. For the last 200 years the lycan and human population there has gotten along well, though when the mines ran dry soon after the council collapsed, the economy plummeted and blame has been shifting amongst the locals. First the rich were to blame, then later lycans. (Civilian Outfit Design- Created by Tony) [img=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/244/f/3/mid_by_livingdreament-d7xm0xj.png] [img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/234/4/7/the_poor_by_livingdreament-d7w79py.png] (House Concepts- Created by Erel) [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/293/c/6/middle_class_houses__revamped__by_livingdreament-d83lxey.jpg] [img=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/294/f/4/low_class_cut_out_by_livingdreament-d83nr38.png] Recently a number of riots broke out leading to homes being burned down, people being hurt, and a few even losing their lives. King Julian of the Capitol City, has sent in a small army of The White Cross. An elite army that has been growing in numbers under the command of the king himself. (White Cross Knight Concept- Created by Tony) [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/195/d/a/da9cc421dfe8229e0e88cda8714dc72f-d7qp1qx.png] (White Cross Bowman) [img=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/196/b/a/bowman_by_livingdreament-d7qs5ka.png] (White Cross Juggernaut) [img=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/196/1/7/juggernaut_by_livingdreament-d7qs5as.png] They're not the only strangers inside the city. In an effort to gather much needed equipment members of Illuminous, a deadly group of assassins from the south, have come to trade but in doing so have left themselves trapped inside the cities walls as the strongest blizzard in a decade covers the roads in a blanket of white death. (Heron Concept) [img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/215/e/e/eef7499308930ca29660406a792205d6-d7tl2y0.png] (Toad Concept) [img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/217/c/0/toad_final_by_livingdreament-d7tsm7u.png] (Scorpion Concept) [img=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/219/a/a/scorpion_final_by_livingdreament-d7u81k6.png] What happens when an army of armored giants, a group of desperate assassins, and a population of starving civilians struggle through the winter? Only time will tell... [center][u]Where do you find info about the world/game/project?[/u][/center] For now the best place to go is our wikia page, which is in an earlier stage but still has a couple hours of info if you really want to read it all. I'll be moving some info to this post and update it over time but if you want to know everything theres is to know, and have an edge over others, read the wiki. Project Shadow Wiki: [url=http://project-shadow.wikia.com/wiki/Project_Shadow_Wiki] [center][u]Characters[/u][/center] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66119/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2060688]Blank Character Sheet[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66119/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2060984]Axle Niebo[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66119/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2061065]Duggan Ortega[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66119/posts/ooc?page=4#post-2100869]Jek Heiys and Hirum Lindt[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66119/posts/ooc?page=5#post-2200727]Kassandra[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66119/posts/ooc?page=5#post-2194308]Snow[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66119/posts/ooc?page=5#post-2202174]Kreiss Stahl and Mysterious Old Man[/url] [center][u]Outro[/u][/center] I'll be updating this page as time goes on but for now I just want to see who's interested in this and I'll start to invest more time into getting this set up for you all. I really look forward to working with you all and bringing this world to life. [b]Keep Dreaming[/b]