It had been an unintentionally long night. What should have been a few drinks with her brother at the local dive bar had turned into an all night conversation about everything from work and love, to bits and pieces of a recent case he had been working on. Gabrielle hadn't meant to let it get so late, but it had been quite some time since she had spent any time with Greg, and a night off didn't come often enough for either of them—the blonde would take what she could get in terms of quality time. This wouldn't be the first instance of only catching a few hours of sleep before work, and it wouldn't be the last. Gabrielle had already settled into the old routine of a cold shower, a certain toxic-colored soda and black coffee; the last of which she carried with her on the way to the station. The walk to work was a relatively short one, and Gabrielle was halfway done with her coffee as she entered the station. There was a distinct smell of bacon in the air, and the blonde paramedic realized that she was hungry as she headed toward the locker room. Obviously, a liquid breakfast wasn't going to cut it and Gabrielle was thankful that someone, probably Alex, had cooked. Wanting to get out into the kitchen, Gabrielle stored her bag and some street clothes in her locker and tossed her now empty coffee cup in the garbage on her way out. “Yeah, Sean, how was your break?” Gabrielle asked, rounding the corner just in time to hear Elise asking. She hadn't even realized that Sean was back already. “Do anything exciting?” She grabbed a plate and scooped a portion of the eggs onto it and snagged a few slices of turkey bacon. Unlike the others, Gabrielle didn't mind the health-conscious alternative. Still listening, Gabrielle went and took a seat with Colin and offered him a smile, “morning,” she said, before digging into her breakfast.