Fuck, I can't even articulate how glad I am that the games industry is moving away from the idea of the "real gamer" community. The types of people who play games—and the types of games we play—have been diverse since basicaly forever, and I'm loving that we're finally recognizing it (of course it does mean a surge in shitty developers making shitty games that are 90% in-app purchases, but that's basically what happened back in the eighties and early nineties as well, and gaming came away okay from that). It's about time the "real gamer" brand was watered down. Games are going to be so much better. Personally, I'd like to see a lot more of what Shadow of Mordor apparently does with its NPCs. I want procedurally generated NPCs that live their lives out whether I'm there or not. I want a world that doesn't feel like it revolves around me (even if the game itself isn't really open-world), NPCs with more than six scripted behaviours. I imagine that's a lot of fucking work, but it's so satisfying to play in a world like that. Oh, and Fallout 4. Gimme.