[b]Jordan Mason - 6:32 am - Ravenclaw Dorm[/b] Jordan was enjoying a dream-filled sleep when it was abruptly cut short by her oxygen being cut off. Panicking slightly albeit a bit disoriented still, she waved her hands over her face in an attempt to shoo away whatever was nearly giving her asphyxia. Her hands met something fluffy and big, and as she attempted to move it out of the way, she found that it was extremely heavy. Panicking again, she waved her hands around, hoping in Merlin's name that she wasn't being assassinated in her sleep and that someone would help her. Merlin seemed to be watching over her as she felt whatever was cutting her oxygen off be lifted from her face. She opened her eyes, sleep and her natural condition making her vision blurry, and coughed out something that tasted quite disgusting. She felt around for her glasses and slipped them on as soon as she found them. She sat up and after blinking her eyes to adjust, she saw that what she had coughed out was locks of white fur. Her discovery was accompanied by a lazy meow, and turning her head to the direction of the noise, she found Claude, her fluffy white cloud of a cat, held up by a young woman with fuzzy red hair. "Thanks, Paige," she mumbled. Paige, still in her pajamas, nodded sleepily. "You're so lucky I can feel whenever you're about to die," she teased lightly before slipping back into her bed beside Jordan's and joining the other female Ravenclaws back in dream land. Jordan chuckled under her breath as Claude settled at the foot of her bed. The cat purred contentedly, joining the others in slumber. Jordan affectionately petted her, wondering how in the world she managed to find a pet like Claude. Wide awake already, Jordan decided to get an early start on her day. She changed into her robes and grabbed some of her books. She planned to catch up on some reading in the Great Hall before she had to go see Hagrid along with some other students. She was curious about whatever new creature he would have them see. She made her way there, nose buried in a book.