[b]Adelie – 6:30 AM – Gryffindor Girl’s Dormitory & Common Room[/b] Adelie heard her alarm ringing and reached over to smack it til it stopped berating her. She lifted her tired, disheveled head from her pillow and made a soft growling sound, hating to be woken up. Her long brown hair tangled around her throat and arms, causing her to throw her arms up to try and get it off her as she slipped out of bed. Normally, she wore it in a braid but last night she’d gotten so wrapped up in [i]A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration[/i] that she’d fallen asleep on its pages. She grabbed a brush and began running it through her locks before setting it down and grabbing the textbook, shutting it and hoping she hadn’t gotten too much drool on its pages. She got [url= http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/d4/30/36/d43036a51e43eb1de822dad52acc1271.jpg]dressed[/url] in some jeans and a tucked in white shirt, slipping her feet into some flat boots. All the while, she repeated her schedule in her head. Easily embarrassed, she was not repeating day one where she’d accidentally walked in on the wrong class and sat there for several minutes before she realized her mistake, running out and showing up late to her actual class. She’d been bright red and mortified, and the memory was still replaying in her mind. With her clothes sufficiently in place and her schedule repeated enough for her liking, she packed her messenger bag with a the books, parchment, quills, and what not she needed for classes. She double checked everything about her before leaving the dorms, heading to the common room and looking around for any of her friends. It was still early however, and although there were a few other Gryffindors up bright and early, she didn’t see anyone she’d sit and discuss lectures with at the moment. She smiled and waved to her fellow housemates before leaving, a few roling their eyes as they found her need for excellence obnoxious, and others smiling and waving back, finding her motherly nature comforting and charming. Adelie didn’t care either way though, leaving out of the portrait that contained the wing and heading down the various changing staircases. She was starving and hoped breakfast was being served or served soon, anyway.