On a lighter note though, I volunteered to work for a Haunted House (actually it was a barn XD) at a Children's Petting Zoo yesterday night. I dressed up as The Grudge! Must say, best laughs I've had in while.<-dunno if this makes me a bully, but I enjoyed making little kids cry. And sometimes even scaring adults :,D I stood very still by the exit in my white dress and long black hair all over my face and as soon as they saw me, the expressions are the best. [hider=what I lived for last night][img]http://thumb9.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/89143/89143,1184403613,2/stock-photo-scared-boy-3855481.jpg[/img] And as soon as I can sense they're the most nervous and trying to get out, I take a step towards them and scream as they scurry out ^O^' [youtube]hQeRLAhHdnw[/youtube] [youtube]0ethAaI6isY[/youtube] ^basically the events of last night [/hider]