With the corpse fell to his feet, dead once more, Jagred had to take a short break to calm his breathing. That was a close call. Not the first time this month, but he knew it would leave a mark. You just didn’t play tag with death for so long and walked away sane. Squeezing his eyes shut, Jagred took another deep breath, then placed the ice axe back to where it was. He quickly retrieved the bolt and reloaded his weapon, all while eyeing the streets warily for any movement. Fortunately, nothing came up aside the lone corpse that he had struck down, so he decided to carry on with the plan before anything else went wrong. This woman better be worth it. But by the way she had been mowing down the dead with a baseball bat earlier, she might as well be. Competent company were hard to find before, even more so now that they had a full-on apocalypse on their hands. The plan was a success after all. For a moment, he thought he had missed. Fortunately, the fallen corpse set off the alarm for him, and by the time they started crowding the streets, Jagred had got up onto one of the fire escapes on the apartment nearby. He was contented to watch for the time being, waiting for the dead to amass around the car before returning to the abandoned house. And that presented the next problem. He should find a way to leave, and be fast about it. Starved to death inside random apartment building for random chick wasn’t exactly how he wanted to go. Loading another bolt, he began making his way into the apartment through the window. He could try to climb down back to the street on the other side of this building, then make it back from there. If he was fast enough, the dead wouldn’t notice. They were too busy groping that car. He had scaled buildings before, that rope in his packback was there for a reason, he could do this just fine. Definitely. Probably. Hopefully.