Kyle stared surprised at the blonde girl for a moment before saying "Yeah it's fine. I met your brother once." Kyle told her. "My name is Kyle McCarthy." The McCarthy family was a well respected Slytherin family, had been so for generations back. Nearly as far back as recorded history on it went. There were a few outliers, as with any family. Even Kyle's mother's family was pure blood back all the way, and all Slytherins. "Everyone in your family Slytherin too?" He asked, he only knew of Alistair. Kyle knew he'd be sorted into Slytherin, there was no where else for him...but there is always the slight tingle of fear that he might not be. The boy was nervous. He wanted to make friends, but at the same time was afraid to. Friends could disappoint. This girl though, if she were related to Alistair, who his sister trusted, and even admired, she must be okay. She must be going places too. That's what mattered of course. That and how the outcome of the war went. Kyle like many others saw only the future where Voldemort won, that was the only future for his family. This future meant that Kyle wanted friends that would matter.