[b]David 6:00 am Slytherin Dorm[/b] “I am never getting out of this bed!” David though for himself when his alarm went off. He always though that to himself. It was the reason why he set his alarm at 6 a.m. he needed at least half an hour to gather himself enough to get out of his bed. Eventually he gathered enough courage to throw off the blanket. Quickly he got washed. After about five minutes of trying to rule in his bed-hair he gave up and settled for most of the hair not standing up. He didn’t care today what he wore. He never cared what he wore on normal days. So he went for a simple jeans and a grey t-shirt. He already made his bag the day before so just had to grab it and walk away. His stomach began to grumble, telling him he was hungry. So he went straight for the main hall for breakfast. It was 6:50 a.m. when he arrived. Most of his Slytherin friends were still either brushing their teeth or being woken up by other friends. It was always like this. David has always been one of the first Slytherins to take a place and start eating.