Siobhan, in the process of nestling into the very corner of the seat and crossing her legs, shook her head. “We're a mixed bunch,” she said, beginning to count on her fingers, “My dad was a Gryffindor, and my mum was a Ravenclaw from a family of Slytherins... Jamie, my oldest brother was a Ravenclaw–“ She paused for a moment, thinking of her brother's obvious dislike of her family's heritage, their dragon reserve – it wasn't impressive or prestigious enough for him. Jamie was like Alistair in that regard, always looking for something better, more worthy of his time. It made her heart ache; she loved them, but she also loved the scaled, winged companions that she helped to care for. Maybe it was a sign she wouldn't get into Slytherin as she planned. Siobhan shook her head, continuing. “Erin and Gayle, my sisters – twins – were in Hufflepuff and Jimmy was a Gryffindor while they were there. Alistair's the only one to be in Slytherin,” she finished proudly. She was closest in age to Alistair and in their lonely homestead there were few other children to play with on a regular basis. She just [i]had[/i] to be in his house. “Of course, I want to join him but I'm worried about it... I'd probably have a better chance if all of my family were in Slytherin.” She grinned at Kyle, reaching down to pat her Kneazle that had clambered stealthily onto her skirt at some point without her noticing. “I'm going to guess that you'll get into Slytherin no problem whatsoever. Alistair tells me getting the Sorting Hat to pick it for you is all about how pure your blood is and how much you want it.” With that, she looked out of the window, unable to see her father on the platform from her seat but it was packed full of adult witches and wizards crowding alongside the train. “I think the train might be setting off soon. This is [i]wicked.[/i]”