Roy laughed, surprised to find Ava turning a remarkable shade of red. He was setting down Fletch's cage when he felt a punch at his side, Remington suggesting he find another cart. He punched back, "Me? Look at her, it's gonna be you picking on her that makes her stroke out." He gestured to Ava who David was now speaking to. He was going on about some nonsense about Nargles. Roy was unsure if he was being serious or just trying to make her feel better. With David, it could be either, or both, or neither. It was then that the compartment door burst open. It was the Gryffindor girl, Caitlin. She never seemed to like him or Remington much, but of course she was their rival in Transfiguration and Quidditch, respectively. "Too young." ...Yeah, she definitely didn't think too highly of them. He held back his laughter as David said he'd see them at school and went after her. Despite her dislike of Roy and Remington, Caitlin was fond of David. Roy gave Rem a knowing smile as David left. Caitlin was definitely attractive and they often joked about she and David. Roy particularly liked to remind his less social friend that "If you don't do something soon, I will." He noticed the feather after David left, unsure if David's comment about the muse potion was a jab at him or an honestly helpful tip. [i]Like I'd ever need a muse potion. I can take inspiration form anywhere.[/i] He decided that David had been too focused on Caitlin to really bother kidding with him. As the train began moving, he could tell he had missed something between Remington and Ava as the first year's mood seemed shot. He wasn't sure what to say so he turned his attention back to Rhea, who had asked about the feather. "Go ahead and keep it." He chuckled at her comment about wanting to impress the new Potions professor. "You sound like my kid brother. Before he started his first year, he asked me about every teacher and how to get on their good side or impress them. Of course I told him the way I did it. Pure skill. But, yeah it's no surprise he ended up in Slytherin. He's got big plans. And just like that I now have a brother in each house." He added the last bit, slightly directed in Ava's direction. Just a small reminder that all houses had their good qualities. He pointed at the feather. "What do you plan to make with it?"