Only after half an hour out of his bed, David’s brain began to work. And of course the first thing that it did was making him worried. He felt like he had forgotten something. Or did he? He wasn’t sure. He never was in the morning. Quickly he grabbed his bag and in it, his Remembrall. The second he touched it, it turned red. “Well crap.” He put it back and continued eating, worrying what he has forgotten. Right then, Anthony Stuart entered. David had heard of the stuck up 5th year from some Scottish stuck up family. Well, anyone could easily see that he had something special. He walked so confident and looked so sure. David never walked confident, nor ever looked that sure of himself. Except of course with Magical Creatures and Charms. When the boy took a seat, David realized he was fully dressed in uniform. “Wait, do fifth years have lessons this morning?” he asked the boy.