[b]The Great Hall[/b] [b]Anthony Stuart[/b] When Scruffy David opened his mouth, Anthony's first thought was, '[i]Merlin, why are you talking to me? Why are you talking to [u]me[/u].[/i]' His immediate loathing for the boy he hadn't ever talked to in his life wasn't bigotry, though he instantly doubted his blood heritage as no pureblood he knew would ever dress so slovenly. The true reason eluded him, so he settled on an inherent distaste for sloppiness despite it not quite feeling right. “Hagrid is having a mixed Care of Magical Creatures class today,” Anthony ended up saying, feeling ever-so-slightly bad about his uncontrollably mean thoughts when David seemed honestly confused. “I think it's open to all years?” [i]That's it, Anthony,[/i] he congratulated himself internally. [i]Not a single word about his apparel. Good job.[/i]