[quote=Silverwind Blade]The 'Special Abilities' would be like the ones displayed by the various bosses and other 'unusual' characters in MGS, yes. So, they'd have some kind of at least vague explanation based in science or at least fringe science, rather than out-and-out super-powers. I would be avoiding going into what I see as the 'over-the-top' level from Rising/Revengeance, where you have people jumping on missiles and taking out massive robots with swords. I'd prefer to limit the abilities to the bad guys, but players will have access to them as well, simply for balance and interest - though they'll be optional. [/quote] Ah, then I believe I have plenty of inspiration for things I could consider using XD Also, yes, I thought it was very stupid that your 'tutorial boss' was Metal gear Ray, had a giant sword, and you actually 'throw' the damn thing into the air using that sword to do so... As 'actiony crazy shit' goes, it is entertaining, and I found blade-wolf to be remarkably adorable XD but I really do miss the properly stealthy air of Metal gear solid =3 I'll probably never play number 4 though, since it's exclusive to PS3 and I just have not the cash to spare for it XD