[hider= Saito Masaki] [b]Name:[/b] Saito Masaki [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img=http://oi57.tinypic.com/1589sud.jpg][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Masaki is extremely pessimistic, asocial, and awkward. He nearly always looks annoyed with something, and is quick to tell people to piss off, causing him to be something of a common enemy to the workers of SEED. He absolutely loathes interacting with other people, though when it's for work related purposes, he finds it much easier to stomach. When it comes to small talk and the like, however, he'd much rather carve his own eyes out with a butter knife. Even just being around others makes him uncomfortable, and this seems even worse around women. And in this strange line of work, that is a god-awful trait to have. Underneath all of this though, he does have a heart. He knows the fault is with him and his mindset, and not the world. He sees that most people enjoy life, and while he'll never understand how, he does his best to not ruin that for anyone. One way he does this is to put on a facade - by always looking annoyed and angry, he hopes to keep people away from him, to save them from the pain of talking with his awkward self. He is extremely self-sacrificial, and will never think twice of aiding someone else (subtly and from the background, of course) at his own expense, using the logic that he loses nothing (as he already hates the world and himself) while the other person has something to gain. He will always give up his own happiness for someone else's. When it comes to his job, he's a bit of a workaholic, mainly because being busy all the time gives him an excuse to ignore other people. He works incredibly well under pressure, staying calm and focused no matter the circumstances. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Masaki has always been asocial and awkward. There was no one, identifiable event that made him that way. The Nephilim attack, though, [i]did[/i] change the way he thinks. though. While the attack unnerved him, he could visibly see that he was no where near as shaken as the rest of the world was. He saw how much people suffered from the loss of their homes and loved ones. His town had been completely destroyed, his father had been crippled for life, both his parents had lost family members - and he didn't really care. While everyone else in the world was busy crying and dealing with the shock, he had already accepted it. That was when he realized he was different - twisted and strange. Most people actually enjoyed life, actually enjoyed spending time with others and following the rules of society. Upon seeing so many people in pain, for the first time in his life, he was able to empathize - just slightly - with others. And so his mindset changed. Instead of avoiding people for his sake, he avoided them for their sake. He began to go out of his way to help others no matter how much it adversely affected him. He got people to focus their hate on him so they would be nicer to each other. When things went wrong, he always found a way to take the fall. After all, being the negative person he is, he'd be selfish to not help others be happy, regardless of the consequences for himself. He joined SEED at 18 years old, hoping to help minimize any damage and pain that Nephilims could cause. [b]Abilities:[/b] Masaki is an absolute genius when it comes to piloting and building vehicles, and this talent is the only reason his superiors put up with his terrible attitude. The more pressure a situation presses upon him, the better he gets - when things start going south, he can stay with-it enough to improvise well. He knows his way around firearms and is decent with hand-to-hand combat. He doesn't quite have the knowledge and intelligence to design the advanced weaponry that SEED uses, but he's smart enough and good enough with his hands to build and maintain them using the design plans. [b]Occupation:[/b] Mecha and ship pilot on the field, engineer and mechanic at base. [/hider]