Well apparently his assistance wasn’t needed as the girl managed to get off the interstate without much trouble. He lost complete sight of her when she entered the woods, and given the buildings in the way he didn’t imagine he’d see where she’d exit. [i]‘What to do now?’[/i] he thought to himself as he debated on pursuing the matter further. His thoughts were interrupted when movement on a distant building caught his attention though. Though it was a few hundred meters off the silhouette of a body climbing a ladder to the rooftops was distinct enough that he didn’t miss it. She seemed to be scouting out the commotion below her if the rifle, its shape also distinctive, she held at aim was anything to go by. Then the Walkers began to stir as a car alarm came to life, probably drawing every Walker within a mile at the least. At least he wouldn’t have too much trouble getting closer if he wanted to now; a quick peek from the edge of the roof showed Walkers swarming towards the commotion. Crowbar in hand, Alex peered out into the street. There were only a few Walkers in sight, but they paid him no attention, the car alarm making them utterly oblivious to his presence. Eyeing a nearby alley, and seeing it was empty as far as he could tell, he nudged the door open. Booking it, he crossed the open street and into the alley, his footsteps drowned out by the distant alarm. Taking a moment, he surveyed his surroundings again now that he was closer, making sure there actually weren’t any threats lurking about. If there weren’t he’d continue forward. Though the alleys were no doubt a winding maze of their own, he was confident in his ability to navigate them and get closer to the other survivors.