[hider=Esme Abberly]Full Name: Esme Abberly Age: 16 Blood: Pure blood Alignment: Neutral House: Slytherin Personality: Esme is usually very friendly and open with people. When someone is mean to her or someone she cares about she can go a bit overboard. She will stick by her friends for thick and thin and will do anything for them. She isn't very girly and takes after her dad. She has a taste for mischief though she doesn't harm anyone during her pranks. Esme can become very shy when in awkward situations when a person that she finds attractive is involved or if someone she doesn't like is hitting on her. On the quidditch pitch Esme is cool calm and decisive clearing her head and just focussing on the game. Esme has got a few hopes and dreams she wants to be a famous Quiddict player. She also has a second dream of becoming the best prankster Hogwarts has ever seen. Bio\History: Esme was porn in America to two very loving parents. Her farther was a professional Quodpot player and her mother owned a shop which specialised in unusual magical items. They were a well off that lived in a large house in the California. The house was surrounded by large garden filled with trees which made it easy to hide there magic from muggle's as there nearest neighbour lived a few hundred yards down the road. Life was very interesting growing up as her mother showed her all sorts of magical items from around the world. While her farther taught her how to fly a broom and play sports. Her mother was very strict preparing her to go to the best school possible. Though Esme preferred the idea of maybe going somewhere less academic with a good sports team. However her mother was a bit skeptical as she knew how hard it was to secede in a sports career as she remembered how hard it was for Esme's farther. As her magic was developing she often caused all sorts of accidents things flying of shelves to making small explosions. However she eventually got it under control and her parents never made her feel bad about it and even told her about there own experience. At age eleven she finally got the letters from her potential choices of schools. Her mother had picked out the schools she wanted her daughter to and handed them to her and told her she could choose anyone of these schools. She didn't want to go to any of them as they looked so boring as the days had strict routines. She was lying in bed trying to decide when the she heard a pecking at her window. Opening it an owl flew in and dropped a letter before flying off. Ripping the letter open she discovered it was a letter for a british school called Hogwarts. Her dad peaked into the room and told her he had sent the forms off for her to go there. Her mother was at first furious with her husband but she eventually got used to the idea seeing how happy it made Esme. The family sold their house and moved to England so they could be close to there daughter. As for there careers her mother decided to keep the shop in America and commute by flume powder but her farther ended up being signed as a chaser for a local quidditch team as Quodpot was very similar and required the same skills. There new home was a cottage in the country side in the West Midlands. Getting ready for her first was very exciting her mother bought her all the school supplies she would need and few extra things. While Esme and her farther went of to shop for a broom which took several hours in the end Esme went for a broom that wasn't very fast but it was very agile. She also went into a few stores on her own while her parents and one of the stores she went into Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. She had never been one for pranks but she didn't have any friends her age to pull them on. Looking at the items and overhearing some of stories people where telling she discovered an urge for mischief. Buying a as much as she could from the store with her pocket money she walked out with a smile beaming with glee. When it came time to choosing a wand Esme went into Olivander's alone they said that only she could choose the wand for her. She spent a lot of time in the shop going through several that caused complete chaos to ones she couldn't do anything with. Until finally he gave her a Dogwood wand to try and it was and Olivander just smiled knowing that she would have and interesting time. On her way down to Hogwarts she found a good group of friends they talked for ages all the way to the boats. Then one of her friends told her she was afraid of water Esme managed to comfort her enough so they could make it across the lake. Esme was paying so much attention to her friend she almost burst with excitement when she looked up at the castle. When came the great hall and the sorting hat who she found fascinating wondering how it worked. Her friends ended up being sorted before her and when it was her turn she ended up being sorted into Slytherin at the time she didn't mind because she new nothing about either of the houses. However she found that people didn't like Slytherin but she was going to show them what Slytherin could do. By fourth year she had become known as schools local prankster and had caused some mayhem. She had managed to make slime come out of the water taps replaced several Quaffles with a Quods during practice sessions and various other things that had landed her in a lot of trouble. However she was still a great student in most of her studies. She even managed to make it into the Slytherin Quiddict team as the keeper. Her mother and farther for the most part where proud though they did scorn her about some of her pranks. Now Esme is returning for 5th year. Appearance: [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs49/i/2009/175/8/e/Crisp_Morning_by_DarkMousysGirl123.jpg[/img] Notable skills: Esme is a very good quidditch goal keeper. Nice and agile on a broom and has great hand eye coordination.When it comes to academics she is an excellent student when it comes to making potions or casting jinxes. Not many people consider this a skill but Esme is rather good at pranks. Wand: Dogwood, pliable, 15 inches long and dragon heart string core. [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/121/f/b/my_dogwood_wand_by_mariey-d4y6dre.jpg[/img] Patronus Charm: A ferret. Pet: Snow Owl named Frosty. [/hider]