[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66155/posts/ooc]The Interest Check[/url] In 2027 a meteor hit the Earth's atmosphere and broke up. Air currents carried dust from that meteor all over the world. A few days after the meteor impact, there was a planet wide epidemic of an unknown, flu-like virus. Those that caught the virus, however, gained super powers after the 24 hour virus had run its course. Weak at first these powers quickly grew in strength. A week after the virus outbreak began, a Greek virologist working for WHO, named Dr. Kreos, discovered that some people had a virus similar to those strains which gave people powers. This virus, however, didn't give you an immunity to ever other similar virus as the others did. Though it didn't give you any powers, it made it so that you could become infected with any other number of similar viruses, possibly gaining multiple powers. He infected one of his test subjects that had the "Meteorus Kreos" virus with one of the other viruses, and soon that person developed the ability of that virus. There is a saying, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." These viruses proved it true. Super powered humans began to terrorize the people around them. The military and police forces of the world were ill equipped to handle them, and many smaller countries have fallen to groups of super-powered people. Realizing that the Kreos virus could create far more powerful individuals, Dr. Kreos took his findings to the U.N. Security council. With his guidance, they created a branch of the security forces to deal with super-powered threats with super-powered people. Viruses have a theme, like lightning. Though the original strain of the virus is very basic in what it lets you do, the virus is evolving, giving people new ways to use their abilities. The virus doesn't make you immune to other strains of itself, just other viruses that give you powers, so you can gain new ways of using your powers from other strains of your virus. When you first catch the virus, your body tries to fight it off, but it has enough time to adapt to your blood chemistry and remain hidden. If you catch a different strain of the same virus, it will quickly learn to adapt to your body chemistry from the other strain. If, however, you catch a different Meteora virus, it has to adapt on its own, and your partial immunity kills it before it reaches the final stage where it gives you powers. Known Meteora Viruses: [hider=Meteora Kreos] Name: Meteora Kreos Strain: A Powers: Quickly adapts Meteora viruses to your body chemistry Strengths: Multiple powers Weaknesses: The symptoms come on more quickly and seriously than normal any time you catch a new Meteora virus or strain Symptom changes: none [/hider] [hider=Meteora Ionis] Name: Meteora Ionis Strain: A Powers: Corona (forms around you and shocks anyone or any thing that gets too close), Strengths: Powerful, good for close quarters due to the corona's effects. Negates neg-lightning and electric shocks weaker than itself by canceling them out, and absorbs pos-lightning and positive ions up to its limit. Weaknesses: Energy intensive, Overuse with burn you Symptom changes: (if it has different symptoms from the normal chills, fever, pain, vomiting, dizziness) Strain: C Powers: Efficiency (weak corona forms if you don't have one, or your becomes more energy efficient if you do), Pos-lightning (a bolt of positive lightning is formed out of your corona) Strengths: Much stronger than normal lightning, and burns most targets Weaknesses: Energy intensive, overuse will burn you Symptom changes: numbness in your skin, muscle spasms. [/hider] [hider=Meteora Ignis] Name: Meteora Ignis Strain: A Powers: Flamma ( Allows you to control nearby flames) Strengths: Less affected temperatures up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit Weaknesses: Can't create fire, becomes lethargic when in temperatures below 33 Fahrenheit Symptom changes: Strain: b Powers: Combustia ( Allows the creation and control of fire, control increases if you already have that ability) Strengths: Less affected by heat equal to that of the flames the infected can create Weaknesses: Uses up calories, overuse result in rapid potentially dangerous loss of weight Symptom changes: [/hider] [hider=Meteora Animalia] Name: Meteora Animalia Strain: A Powers: Gives the host animal like characteristics, nails grow sharp like claws, sharp fangs devlop, doesn't turn off but are not features do not hit extreme levels. Strengths: Incredible agility and strength, good offensive capability. Weaknesses: Animalistic urges can undermine human values, the host also becomes extremely aggressive at times. Symptom changes: None that differ from the norm. [/hider] [hider=Meteora Metallum] Name: Meteora Metallum Strain: A Powers: Gives the host the ability to manipulate metals such as Brass, Bronze and Iron in any way he sees fit. Strengths: Metal great defensively and offensively. Weaknesses: Cannot manipulate rusted,frozen of molten metal. Cannot create metal but can only manipulate it from existing sources. Symptom changes: Extreme Rashes [/hider] [hider=Meteora Reflecta] Name: Meteora Reflecta Strain: A Powers: By bending light around you, you can turn invisible Strengths: Good for stealth. Weaknesses: Because light no longer hits your eyes you're completely blind while invisible. Smell and sound can still be used to detect you. Symptom changes: Temporary blindness [/hider] [hider=Meteora Vampira] Name: Meteora Vampira Strain: A Powers: Blood Metabolism (Let's you metabolize blood, boosting red cell counts and hormone levels, including adrenaline, temporarily) Strengths: You don't need to eat as long as there are animals around Weaknesses: The more you drink, the more you crave it. Symptom changes: Anemia [/hider] [hider=Meteora Kinesia] Name: Meteora Kinesia Strain: A Powers: Levitation (Can lift yourself with your mind) Strengths: great for dodging and acrobatics Weaknesses: Tires you out quickly Symptom changes: none [/hider] [hider=Meteora Dermal] Name: Meteora Dermal Strain: A Powers: Armor ( your skin hardens) Strengths: As the name implies this greatly increases your defensive capabilities. Weaknesses: Does nothing to offense and the increased weight slows you down and makes swimming a lot more difficult Symptom changes: Rashes Strain: B Transformation (Makes it possible to change your between normal and hardened) Strengths: You can shift between speed and defense as the situation requires Weaknesses: The change takes a few seconds to complete, leaving you open for attacks Symptom changes: Strain: C Powers: Partial ( lets you choose which portion of skin to harden) Strengths: By only hardening parts of your body the overall weight is greatly decreased, thus limiting the effect of speed and swimming capabilities. The amount of time the change takes depends on the size of the chosen area Weaknesses: Like the previous strain it's not instant and it takes more concentration than for strain B. Only the selected part enjoys the extra protection Symptom changes: [/hider] --- [hider=Virus sheet] Name: ('Meteora' followed by something else which describes it) Strain: (starting with A, to keep similar ones together. You can have different strains of the same virus, but not different viruses unless one is 'Meteora Kreos') Powers: Strengths: Weaknesses: Symptom changes: (if it has different symptoms from the normal chills, fever, pain, vomiting, dizziness) [/hider] [hider=Character sheet] Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance: Country of origin: Languages: Personality: Metora strains: (Warning, you can infect others) Skills: Back story: [/hider]