[quote=Aweena] , please read:I posted before about how the first OOC post can't be edited (and it still can't), and after flicking through the site, I discovered a post explaining that it's a known issue that long posts may cause it to become uneditable. The only options are to redistribute the information to other OOC posts, or start a new thread. I know a few of you have already posted in the IC, and I feel bad for suggesting this, but would you all mind if we created a new OOC thread with the info split into two posts? I'd considered dividing it up into two posts on the first page of the OOC, but they're far apart and I feel it'd just look bad. The better option is to redo the thread, I believe. Let me know how you all feel about it. I'm sorry I broke the internet, guys. It really wasn't my intention. If it's okay with you, I want to add this to the OOC once I can. I wanted a bunch of natural-looking sketches throughout it. I figured digitally edited images wouldn't make sense if this is supposed to be a post-apocalyptic book. Just a hunch. [/quote] It's all good to me, for both things. I'll just repost my IC post in the new thread. PM me when you get to it and I'll have it up. And I'm glad you liked it! I just had some fun with sketching out how I thought they'd look in a somewhat humorous and lighthearted way. Not anime, just... natural and human. I think it came out well, I'm glad you think so too. You have my permission to use anything I post in the OOC or whatever you'd like to put it, and will always have my permission (as long as I am participating in the thread) unless I say I'd rather it not be shared (and lets face it if you and others like it I'm going to be flattered like I am right now that you want to use it in the Original post).