"As subtle as smacking someone in the face with a brick." A rather loud voice rang out among the depressing silence of the zoo, relatively near those that had gathered. Nearby in an overgrown tree, Darren rested leisurely ontop of some of the thickly twisted and connected branches. He was slung over them in a half-haphazardly manor, both legs slung over one side while his head and chest rested on another. His body was twisted in such a way that it couldn't have been comfortable for most people, especially with his face half-buried into the rough tree bark like that. But the man looked to be rather comfortable, at least to those who could actually see him. With his dark clothing on and such still motions, it was hard, if not impossible to see him in the tree. Though after a few moments he untwisted himself and sat upright, stretching with a soft, tired-sounding groan. "I wasn't aware this was a meeting spot for people, if I had known it was, I might have just stayed away and gotten some shut-eye elsewhere. But its hard to find a place where it is so quiet, you know? Everything is so loud." A grumble escapes Darren as he promptly slides right off of the branches he had been resting upon, not even bothering to try and catch himself on any of the other branches. He lands with a rather heavy sounding thud, it was a decently sized drop, but he stood up with a slightly preterbed expression, mostly masked by his sunglasses. He does not lift his head or square his shoulders or anything of the such, showing absolutely no signs of aggression, not even in his voice. "Meeting in an abandoned zoo is sort of creepy for normal people, so I figure there must be something important going on here. Are you all going to continue your chattering so I have to relocate my napping spot or is it safe for me to climb back into that tree?" Darren wasn't really looking at the other man or the girl with the streak in her hair, in fact, he didn't even have his eyes open yet. He just stood there, somewhat swaying on his feet while fighting off a rather ferocious yawn.