Thalesin had been up for several hours, he had never gotten use to the time shift he experienced from his world to this planet Earth he was stuck on. He sat alone in a room that acted as a garage for vehicles, working on his ship. It would be ages until he could fully fix it, humans still lacked the components he needed and were still several centuries behind what he was use to but despite this gap in evolution he found humans quite fascinating in many ways. How they lived in such a chaotic world, more then his anyway, and yet there was a balance and peace to it that he couldn't quite explain neither did his human counter parts seem to be able to, even when he asked them about it. He put down the tools he was using and decided to head for the kitchen, by now some of the others had to of been awaken and he could grab something to eat. He went down the numerous hall ways, first stopping in his room to switch out clothes, finding it unnecessary to be dressed up as the hero all the time, especially when the suit was designed to put him in constant pain in order for him to use his powers. Though anymore it was rather a numb feeling to him, his body still felt sore when he took off the suit and was relieved from its torment. He got dressed and then made his way to the kitchen. Ever since he found the Guild with the others he had found a way to integrate into human culture to some extent, the only issue was his markings which to most he told them they were tattoos but in reality they were not. However in the Guild he didn't have to pretend they were tattoos which made him feel relieved that he could be himself more even despite being the only alien amongst them. The smells that filled the air were intoxicating as he entered the kitchen and he saw that a few of the others were awake, some in the process of eating while others seemed to of just woken. He decided to grab some eggs and bacon for his morning meal. While he waited for his meal to cook he decided to also make himself a cup of coffee, an addiction that he had that was apparently quite common amongst humans. To drink the warm liquid to help them wake up. He didn't need it much to wake up, mostly he enjoyed the taste of it, though he had learned to take it in doses, only having one cup a day or else he would be 'bouncing off the walls' as the humans would say.