Alex looked around her, head reeling. Where had all these people come from? What in the world happened to her sanctuary? "What the hell?" she parroted Yolanda's statement, finding no other words to say about the situation. One moment she was alone and snoozing on a bench. The next some man approaches her. Then another second later, the zoo became home to an impromptu little shindig. Alex raised her hands up in surrender, obviously she couldn't claim the zoo as her own anymore, especially since she wasn't the only shifter around. Speaking of shifters, Alex turned back her attention to Titus. By his thinly veiled words, he must be one of them as well. That was the only explanation as to why any sane person would enter their rundown city and the ruins of the zoo. And for some reason, he'd approached her for help, even though there was a bunch of other people lounging around in the zoo. She felt Darren's pain. She'd only wanted some time to rest, relax, especially under the stressful situation that was their messed up lives. Whatever. First things first, she needed to make sure that this man in front of her really was a shifter. So, in a voice that invoked no questions, she ordered, "Shift." After she'd made sure that the man was one of then, well... She'd handle that later. Maybe she'd pass off the responsibility to someone else since there's so much of them running around willy nilly. But, yes, first things first. She stared at Titus, unblinking and awaiting for him to confirm everything.