#087649 - Serenity Arvennicus GENDER: Female AGE: Early 20s DATE OF BIRTH: BIRTHPLACE: Mars DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Gold eyes and snow white hair. PERSONALITY: An intelligent, curious young woman with more interest in gadgets than people. LIKES: Technology, learning, design DISLIKES: Ignorance, Lunatics, TALENTS: Has a knack for taking things apart and putting them back together, but better. PSYCHE ABILITIES: Weak unaided telekinesis. Able to manipulate small objects, 5 lbs maximum. FAMILY: Cirus Arvennicus (father, living), K'ara Arvennicus (mother, deceased) HISTORY: Serenity grew up with her father, Cirus Arvennicus, the Shipwright. She was raised on Mars, where her mother served as a fighter pilot. When she was still young, her mother was reassigned from planetary defense to a deployment team. A year after the news was delivered, her father discovered Serenity's telekinetic ability. He found her in his study, taking apart one of his old radios without any tools. The screws and nails were floating around her as she worked. He felt it would be best to conceal either her interest in gadgets or her telekinesis. Not wanting to stifle his daughter's interests, he chose to help her explore and control her power, so she wouldn't use it accidentally in public. If she was going to explore her interest in machines, it would be necessary. Hiding it also had risks, but she should have the choice of what she would do. As she grew, she found interest in building computers, even from scratch, and making them work all on her own. She'd fill a room with games she'd put together, combining specialized hardware and specialized code, each more complex and more intricate than the last. Serenity, at about sixteen, began keeping up with politics and current events. With her specialized hardware, she found herself able to access certain things that would normally be kept out of the public eye. She knew what Sycamore was, and of the activities centered there. Either way, she decided that her services would be well received in that remote edge. So she left home, and made that long journey through the stars to that far away planet. Maybe she'd have the opportunity, if she lived long enough... THEME SONG: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icjqJK30MWM]Studio City of Zeiss[/url] A little bit of a WIP, but yay!