Well I'm getting back to myself, finally after a tough half year. I did write a bit here and there but I couldn't do more beside just that one. I never meant to or wanted to be gone for so long, from the guild that is. I just logged back on to check back on things. Also I shamefully admit that I'm always curious how you guys have been doing. You, and Igraine, Heroes. I wrote with you before and those are some fond memories I treasure ^.^ So I tend to peak around if I see anything of you all. Which is how I stumbled upon this. It's okay that you guys are filled up. I suscribed naturally, so I can read along. I might drop in to say hi once in a while if that's okay ^.^ How have you all been? Hopefully coming up with tales to remember as always. It's great to see a lot of new faces too. *waves to everyone* I remember when I was the new one in this happy bunch :)