Evanora grinned while she followed Adelie to get something to eat. "Great! I'm starving, I could really use some food." She said. She was usually in a good mood in the mornings, if she had enough sleep. She had went to bed early, being exhausted after the days events. She loved her friends accent, she had lived in Scotland with her just a few years, but after her dad died she moved to England to live with her mom, she didn't have much of a Scottish accent or British accent. Both her parents were American, they just traveled, a lot. "He wouldn't be Jimmy is he wasn't getting into trouble." Evanora joked as she sat down next to Adelie. She grabbed herself a bagel as well, but kept it plain. "Well, that is cool. It'd be nice to get away on a nice cruise, also." She joked, shrugging. "Ah, she'll get over it.. eventually." Evanora said, waving her hand in the air for emphasis. She paused mid bite when Adelie asked what she was doing for Christmas. Truth was, she didn't know. Her mom was in and out of relationships so it was hard to tell if she was doing anything or not. "It's still too early to tell." Evanora said quietly, a little too quietly, but she continued eating. Evanora couldn't help but laugh inside at her friend. Ever since she could remember and in the time she has known her, she always planned everything out- even their play dates as children. Evanora could never be that organized, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't be.