I will work on a character later for now though have some new viruses if they are acceptable of course. Also I was wondering how many viruses/strains can you have when starting out? [hider=Meteora Ignis ] Name: Meteora Ignis Strain: A Powers: Flamma ( Allows you to control nearby flames) Strengths: Less affected temperatures up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit Weaknesses: Can't create fire, becomes lethargic when in temperatures below 33 Fahrenheit Symptom changes: Strain: b Powers: Combustia ( Allows the creation and control of fire, control increases if you already have that ability) Strengths: Less affected by heat equal to that of the flames the infected can create Weaknesses: Uses up calories, overuse result in rapid potentially dangerous loss of weight Symptom changes: [/hider] [hider=Meteora Dermal] Name: Meteora Dermal Strain: A Powers: Armor ( your skin hardens) Strengths: As the name implies this greatly increases your defensive capabilities. Weaknesses: Does nothing to offense and the increased weight slows you down and makes swimming a lot more difficult Symptom changes: Rashes Strain: B Transformation (Makes it possible to change your between normal and hardened) Strengths: You can shift between speed and defense as the situation requires Weaknesses: The change takes a few seconds to complete, leaving you open for attacks Symptom changes: Strain: C Powers: Partial ( lets you choose which portion of skin to harden) Strengths: By only hardening parts of your body the overall weight is greatly decreased, thus limiting the effect of speed and swimming capabilities. The amount of time the change takes depends on the size of the chosen area Weaknesses: Like the previous strain it's not instant and it takes more concentration than for strain B. Only the selected part enjoys the extra protection Symptom changes: [/hider]