[b]Cherryville, Elton's Bar, 4:45 PM. [/b] An old man is sitting against the bar on one of the faulty stools. He watched the local channel, broadcasting daytime soap opera. Suddenly the broadcast was cut and interrupted by a news segment from the homeland security NSA. "We urge all American citizens to remain within their homes and lock there doors. They are not to contact or trust afflicted individuals showing symptoms of Ebola, we believe this new mutated form is a hundred times deadlier than the primitive disease we know 2 weeks ago. Please avoid physical contact with others and be advised until further instructions. This is Jerry Sigmund speaker of the NSA and CDC. God help us" The old man was indifferent to the news piece as he yelled at the bartender to switch the channel. The bartender didn't respond, he was dormant and silent. Then suddenly he lunged at the old man and bit his flesh clean off the bones. The old man screamed, as it echoes alongside other screams all over Cherryville.