Ryu fluffed his pillow, giving it a good slap, a tug then tossing it back into place. He adjusted his windows, so that no one would be able to see clearly into the room, but that light would be able to seep out, alerting people that someone was home. He had to make all the preparations, everything needed to be perfect today...not that anything could really go wrong for him. Ryu wore a grin from ear to ear as he looked at the game he had recently obtained. GQO, he had wanted to get it when it was first released, but even the pre-ordering almost required pre-ordering. It was hard to obtain, it was expensive, and now every was awesome. He gave a brief look at the clock, not really paying attention to the time, aside from knowing that he had enough time to play. "Alright! I left a note for Mom, everything has been prepared, I've used the bathroom, time to jump in!" He fist pumped the air, and started to run in place to try and get all his excitement out, it wasn't working necessarily, but it didn't hurt either. He got himself nicely laid out on his bed, and set himself up. "This is so exciting!" he shook his head a bit from side to side, settling into his pillow, "Link start!" The words left his mouth, and it was like he floated away. --- [i]Alright character creation...stats, skills, name, usual fun stuff.[/i] he took only a few moments before he whizzed through making his character. He had planned ahead so so as to not be standing there working things out for an hour or two. Character creation normally took him longer than the tutorial levels did...actually, it usually took up his whole first day, but not this time! he had planned how he would look, how he would play, everything was going just as he wanted, and as he clicked the buttons to finalize it all, he woke up, finding himself in a new surrounding, with others, he would presume based on their basic garb, were in the same boat as him. Seeing as they also started to introducing themselves, this just fortified that idea. He stood up and got his bearings, accepting the quest which had come his way, and while adjusting his own clothes he spoke up, "A pleasure to meet all of you, you may call me Ozwald, or Oz for short, I also respond to hey you, and that guy, but I'd rather have a name." he started to gaze upward towards the sky.