Kyle listened to Soibhan talk about dragons and wanted to go see them. He normally wouldn't have called himself a thrill seeker, but the way Soibhan talked about dragons made him want to at least look at the small ones. He really wasn't sure about the big ones. Maybe if they became good enough friends... [b]"What does your family do?"[/b] "My father owns a shop." That was the standard answer. The full answer was the shop was in Knockturn alley, Kyle normally didn't tell people that part, but Soibhan was to be a Slytherin, her brother was friends with Maggie, so he decided to finish the sentence. "In Knockturn alley." Nothing in the shop was technically illegal, at least not the part anyone could just walk up to. His mother on the other hand, came from a long line of landed gentry. It didn't work as well in nowadays, but she still owned a lot of land that she rented to farmers and the houses to families. Kyle wasn't sure how to explain that job, "My mum is a landlord. Well I guess landlady." It was the term his family used, he hoped Siobhan knew what it meant.