Siobhan grinned, thankful that her new friend seemed interested – at least partially – in dragons. She, however, focused in on the 'Knockturn Alley' part of his answer with a wide-eyed stare. She knew that there were many shops down there that were disreputable, and her parents often talked about the owner of Borgin and Burkes being the scum of the earth, but to actually talk to someone who owned a business there... "I'm not allowed to go down that street," she reluctantly admitted. "Mum goes there for more expensive potions ingredients, and that's where we sell our stocks of dragon's blood, but she says it's too dangerous for a girl my age. Alistair wanders around there all the time, though!" The second part Siobhan understood perfectly. "We own land, too, but it's not very good. Do lots of Slytherins and their families own lots of property?" She worried that Ceann Ear would be so disinteresting compared to miles and miles of farmland and buildings that the McCarthy family must have. All that was on the island were flocks of sheep and a dragon reserve, given that the land was so infertile, so windswept and rainy.