"I'm allowed at our shop, but not anywhere else on the street. Dad wants Maggie to run it in the future, she's better with numbers and sales." Kyle shrugged. "I don't mind either. I've never cared for the shop. I honestly like what my mum does better. She says that to be a successful landlord you have to keep your tenants happy." Kyle liked the rounds his mother made to the properties she owned. She liked watching her buy more land from the neighbors of the land she already owned. It was amazing to watch. "I don't know. I think the Malfoy's own land. A few other families have members in the ministry." Kyle tried to think of who he knew in what part of the Ministry, but he had never really kept that knowledge as well as he should have. "Tell me about your land, with the dragons. You said there weren't a lot of magical people there, but you have dragons. How do you keep that a secret?"