His chances were definitely not looking good, especially with three deads at such close range. Jagred tried to avoid close combat for obvious reasons, but apparently there was no way out of this one. He eyed the corpses carefully, crossbow trailed on them, ready for any sudden movement. Fortunately, they didn’t seem to have notice him yet, so for now, he had a little breathing room to come up with an escape. It was then his eyes fell on the unguarded door leading down into the hall. There was no guarantee the dead wouldn’t be waiting out there, but it was still far better than being stuck in one room with three of them. However, he had to make sure they wouldn’t chase after him. Might be a long shot, but it sure beat serving as food for the dead. Taking a battery out of his pocket, Jagred tossed it in the other side of the room, hoping the corpses would take notice, before making a mad dash toward the door.