Passing on buying anything from the trolley (mostly because of the motion sickness from the train), Siobhan settled more comfortably in her corner while Kyle bought an assortment of sweets. Was that [i]licorice[/i]? Ew. Her nose wrinkled involuntarily as if imagining the taste of it on in her mouth. If there was one thing that bound all of the MacFusty children together, it was their hatred for licorice. "Hi!" greeted Siobhan. Kyle's sister must be nice, she decided, to willingly check up on two little lost first years out of her own time. "Yeah, Slytherin – that's where Alistair is, so that's where I'm going." She smiled at the thought of her brother. That was one mystery solved; he [i]did[/i] talk to his friends about her. "You're Maggie, right? Is Alistair away to his prefect's meeting?"