[b]Nation Sheet[/b] [b]Position on Map[/b] - [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ZaHG8Tp.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name[/b] - Dragonkin of Ayutus [b]Flag[/b] - [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/XOyK3LQ.jpg[/IMG] [b]Capital[/b] - Ayutus [b]Other Major Settlements[/b] - No other Major Settlements [b]Population[/b] - 50000 [b]Races[/b] - [hider=Dragonkin][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Po18a2z.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/HgXnOe2.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Culture[/b] - The Culture of the Dragonkin is one of mystery, and one that few races know about. One thing is certain is that the Dragonkin are highly intelligent yet brutal people. They use mathematics when building siege equipment, yet favor the cold steel of an ax or warhamer. The cold region has shaped them into highly effective people, and they are not one to trust outsiders. They are a hunting society, hunting the wildlife of the northern regions for food and clothing. They mine the rich earth in the area for resources to build weapons and buildings. They do practice a kind of ancestral worship. The Dragonkin honor their ancestors, including that of the Great Dragons of old, whom all Dragonkin are related too. Dragonkin are prone to receive ancestral visions. Sometimes, the highly skilled or lucky Dragonkin receive visions from the Great Dragons, in which they are often told great secrets of magic, or about events that will transpire in the future. The Great Dragons have never been wrong in their predictions before. [b]Crimes[/b] - TBD [b]Government type[/b] - Absolute Monarchy [b]People in power[/b] - Dragon King Rangupati [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/K25AtJa.jpg[/IMG] [b]Industry[/b] - Mining of resources is the largest industry. The southern continent is known to have an abundance of natural resources, including iron, gold, copper, coal, zinc, nickel, and other various metals. The Dragonkin use these metals in order to fuel their limited economy. Hunting is also a key industry in Ayutus. Due to the cold preventing any large-scale farming operations, the Dragonkin are resorted to hunting various animals, including Mammoths, the Southern Caribou, Seals, and other large animals. Some of these animals are tamed in order to produce things like milk and cheese. Stone is also found throughout the continent, which is used to create buildings and castles for the Dragonkin. [b]Military[/b] - All training to become a soldier starts at childhood for the Dragonkin, and they are basically bread to be fighting machines. They eventually have to choose which type of soldier they want to be based on skill, personal preference in weapons, and abilities. There are four major types of Dragonkin soldiers when it comes to their military: I. The Infantry Units The bulk of the Dragonkin military consists of heavy/regular/light infantry units. a. Regular Infantry Your basic infantry soldiers. These are your men that carry spears, swords, and one-handed axes. They are the largest section of the Dragonkin army, and thus, are the first into a fight. They number about 1500 soldiers. b. Heavy Infantry Heavy Infantry are like Regular Infantry, but are stronger, carry bigger weapons, and wear heavier army. These men carry two-handed swords, warhamers, two-handed axes, and large maces. They are the heavy hitters of the army, called in to deal out large amounts of damage to the enemy forces. They number about 750 soldiers. c. Light Infantry Units Light Infantry are the fast and quick infantry of the Dragonkin army. They are skilled with daggers and short-swords, but they are also the archers of the army. They are skilled with bows made from Mammoth bones, and arrows made from Mammoth Tusks. They are also the scouts and spies of the army. While they are not as strong as Regulars and Heavy Infantry, they are faster, agile, and have more endurance. They number about 700 soldiers. II. Engineer Corps The Engineer Corps are the symbol of Dragonkin Intelligence. In peace times, these are the builders and mathematicians of the Dragonkin Society. In times of war, they use their immense intelligence in order to man the siege units of the Dragonkin Army. They use light and very sturdy volcanic rocks to build Catapults and balistas to throw rocks and shoot large arrows at enemy forces. Volcanic Rock is not always reliable, since it is not wood, it tends to be heavier, and sometimes the weight of the ammo breaks the machines. The Corps number about 500 Engineers. III. The Champions Once in a few 100 years, one Dragonkin will greatly surpass that of his fellow Dragonkin in terms of combat skills. They will demonstrate the abilities of all three infantry units, and have the intelligence of the Engineers. These men are picked out of the army and selected to perform a tolling and gruesome task. If they return with the desired object or killed animal, then they are awarded with the title of "Champion", and are put into the elite unit of the Dragonkin Army. These men number about 10 soldiers, yet are the leaders and commanders of the army, and some of its best warriors. Usually a Champion is chosen when one of the 10 dies in combat or due to natural causes. Note: Horses are non-existent in the Cold Southern Continent, so the Dragonkin have no Calvary units [b]Landscape/Terrain[/b] - [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/iwTtOpL.jpg[/IMG] The terrain of Ayutus is one of cold, rocky, and mountainous areas. The average temperature is -30 degrees Celsius (-20 degrees Fahrenheit), with the temperature dropping as low as -101 degrees Celsius (-150 degrees Fahrenheit). Mountains dot the icy landscape for most of the area controlled by the Dragonkin, some reaching as high as 20000 feet in the air. The wildlife includes Mammoths, the Southern Caribou, seals, fish dwelling below the ice, and other animals that can survive the cold and rugged terrain. Vegetation can be found near large hot springs and below the surface where the cold does not affect the area as much. While in few numbers, the wildlife has been shown to be sustaining from it. Volcanoes pop up too, for the area is on a large fault line, causing Volcanoes to become a common sight. [b]History[/b] - It all begins with the Great Dragons. These large beasts originated from the center of the continent, and had omnipotent powers. Before humans and before the other races, these Great Dragons (Ten in total) watched over the world. They brought balance to nature, and brought balance to the world. Then came the rise of the mortal races. They disturbed the wildlife of the land, harvested its precious resources, and did not give back to nature like the cycle intended. The Great Dragons saw this is a threat, and sought to destroy the mortal races, yet they did not want to bring war upon the world. The mortals, were not that peaceful. Over the next thousand years, the ten Great Dragons were being killed off by legendary heroes and rulers across the world. Only one Dragon managed to escape the land of the other races, simply called "The All-Father", by the Dragonkin. He fled to the Southern Continents, and disappeared from the world. A few hundred years later, a group of human explorers where attacked by a race of "Dragon skinned beasts" while exploring the Southern Continent. This was the first time humans came into contact with the Dragonkin. It is rumored that the Last Great Dragon was wounded on his travels to the South, and on his dying breath, created the Dragonkin to guard the world from being destroyed by the other races. The rest of Dragonkin history remains a mystery in itself. [b]Races Sheet[/b] [b]Name[/b] - Dragonkin [b]Appearance[/b] - Humanoid, but with mostly dragon like features (except wings). They are taller and bulkier then humans. [b]Natural abilities[/b] - .They are intelligent and strong compared to the other mortal races. They have cold-resistant skin that has been developed over the centuries in the hostile environment of Ayutus. They do not breath fire like the Great Dragons of old, they do have a healing factor that heals injuries slightly faster then the average human casualty. [b]Lifespan[/b] - 750 Years Average, youngest lives being 500, oldest lives going as high as 1000. [b]Homeland[/b] - The Cold Southern Continent, more specifically, the region called Ayutus, where the last Great Dragon fled.