Position on Map: [img=http://i.imgur.com/rw0Ng7h.jpg] -- Name: Frisstreek Flag: [img=http://i.imgur.com/s4xtlkZ.jpg] Capital: Veere Other Major Settlements: Middenveld- Centrally located, most populated city, serving as a cultural way port within Frisstreek, and former capitol. The most fortified city within Frisstreek, it has walls meant to withstand the most brutal of sieges, and most of the countries grain supplies end up within her granaries. In the case of an invasion, the government and military would draw back into Middenveld, with high walls, and a natural defense of mountains. On the other side of those mountains, who’s center is only accessible by two passes, the great farmlands of Frisstreek expand. Zeehaven- Major trading port, on the north-western most tip, renowned worldwide for ship builders, and [I]colorful[/I] women. The Hoede dan Zuidgrens- A series of fortified towns relaying across Frisstreek’s southern border. Every twenty-five league a Hoede dan Zuidgren lies. Their garrison is light in most, with a city-guard, of perhaps ten, but the four largest forts hold a thousand men a piece, serving active duty within Frissteek’s army. With no natural barrier with her south, only a expanse of plains, Frisstreek relies on their intricate system of beacon’s to warn of impending dangers. The light of these giant torches is rumored to be seen for a hundred leagues, and allow for swift defense from within and the other border-patrols. -- Population: About 1,000,000. Races: Frisstreek is an extremely exclusive culture, scant of immigrants, especially those of races which are not human, or at least humanoid. Hanarth Elves make up the largest minority, and even then, they only equal <2% of the population. Most Frisians are Anglo-Saxon to Greco-Roman in skin tone. However, in the ports it is not uncommon to see those of a dark hue, but within central-Frisstreek, a stronger bias is bred. Culture: Holding a very Nordic culture, Frisstreek is a mix of the lowland countries of Europe, and Viking-style customs of Norway and Denmark. More traditional values are really shown in the center of the country, however along the ports where it is more diverse, the varying influences of others shows through, especially in regions such as Zeehaven. There is no major religion, but rather small sects of spiritualism within the country, the less modernized villages especially hold regard for the forces of nature more so than a deity itself. Word-of-mouth tales, as well as great heroes of old hold major influence within the country, with many statues, and great banners created to depict these half-story, half-truth legends that every Frisian child knows. Oddly enough, it is the older generations who hold more regard for women, with the newer ones seeming to be more nationalistic, believing in the fierce blood of Frisian men, and that the roles between the genders is stagnant. A hundred years ago, Ladys within the Lordship were not uncommon, the first born child inheriting the title regardless of gender, however, with time, politics has become a man's game, and the daughters of Lords were excluded from their right. Crimes: The basic principles of a society exist, with an intricate system of law. However, there is no trial of peers, rather a judge, who oversees all three judicial duties. Crimes are dealt with rather harshly, with prison camps forming a sort of labor-force, where inmates help in building roads, clearing farmlands, among other things to regain their role in society. Government type: Oligarchy People in power: As an Oligarchy, the power within Frisstreek lines in the hands of a few, explicitly, three major families control the inner politics of Frisstreek, suposedly with equal say, but think of them as a triangle, with each point stretching and pulling in their direction. Should they all have the same amount of power, the triangle would be equilateral, however, so often, one family gains the edge, and so the triangle stretches. In theory, they are meant to work together to rule, but so often they work against each other, each family pursuing the betterment of their name more often than the benefit of their country. The de Koning family- Headed by Lord Ode, a man well into his seventies, and crippled by dementia. In his day, he was known for his unwavering pacifism. For the forty years of his reign, Frisstreek was at peace. However, all of that could change with his son Basilius preparing for his self-proclaimed Godhood, once his father passes into the next world. The Prins family- Lord Henri Prins is the youngest of the three Lordships, as was his father, and his father before him. For the last four generations, Prins lords have died before the eve of their thirtieth birthday, and Henri, at twenty-nine, hopes to disprove the rumors, and outlive his ancestors. Though, among the common people the great curse that plagues them is seen as a great scandal. Though disbelieving of the superstition, Henri has tried to ease them by bearing a son. His wife has yet to birth him a living child, and with his thirtieth birthday approaching, a pressure to produce an heir grows. The de Vries family- Lady Sara de Vries has served her time within the Lordship under much scrutiny. Though Lord Ode has found her more agreeable than other de Vries, Lord Herni and Basilius have formed a strong bound in hoping to kick a link from the chain of power. But in her ten years as Lady, Sara has held face, unmarried and childless. Though none of that mattered, as she was only a placeholder, meant to keep the power to the de Vries while her child brother, Nys, grew to age. He was a year from gaining his seat when fever took him. It had come quick, and it had come terribly, but now Lady Sara finds the burden of power thrust solely onto her shoulders, when she had hoped to escape. The expectation for marriage arises, and the most eligible bachelor seems to be her very Uncle, Ferre, who had been denied the throne firstly based on his infamous temperament, and the protest of Lord Ode, the most influential of them, calling Ferre a warmonger, and a cheat. But with Lord Ode growing iller every day, and hardly remembering his own grandchildren, let alone his enemies of old, Basilius and Henri push for Lady Sara to marry, and her duties be handed over to Ferre, a man with more agreeable ideals then that of the lady. Industry: Frisstreeks major industries include: - Shipbuilding - Brewing - Fishing - Trapping - Dye-making - Textile-making - Agriculture; Hops, Grains, Potatoes, Apples, and Corn. Frisstreek relies heavily on trade to gain much of its lumber, stone, precious metal, and manufactured goods. Keeping good relations with most countries is vital to her survival, though in the past, instead of a peaceful coexistance, Frisstreek was known more so for its raiders, and territorial aggression. Recently, imperialist sentiment has risen up, especially in the region around Middenveld, where many nationalists have gained influence, and numbers among the common people. Their call go unanswered by the Lords. Military: Frisstreek's military is only large enough for personal defense of the homeland. In times of peace, 10,000 men patrol the land, and 2,500 patrol the seas. 5,000 soldiers are stationed along the southern border of Fristreek, the other 5,000 are scattered between central-Frisstreek, and the North. Each City is expected to garrison enough men of its own for its own defense, whose ranks can called upon by the authority of their Lordships at any time, and a quick bolster of the military, without recruitment, can bring her numbers to a lofty 23,000, including seamen. Landscape/Terrain: The landscape of Frisstreek varies according to region, however it is predominantly temperate, with mild summers, and long winters. The coastal region is flat, as is much of the country, with only a strand of unremarkably average mountains and hills within central Fristreak. Cold, fresh water streams and rivers divide the country, and thusly soil is rich, and lush evergreen forests span in a crescent in the north. South Fristreek is where much of the farmland lies, with endless boroughs of farmland, with few expanses of forest between them. History: In the beginning, Frisstreek was moreso of a village than a country at all, warring with the other villages around it until with passing time, its dominion spread far past the walls of its lowly village. With most of the Frisians situated in the north, ship-building and navigating became essential to their survival, venturing north, east, and west in search of villages to raids, and riches to recover. That time of barbarism passed when a King from the south came north, and conquered the tribal bands. He however allowed for their Chieftain to remain, forming a dual-head of state. The third leader of their Oligarchy did not come for a few hundred years, when Frisstreek was reaped with revolution, the dual-Kings being uprooted, and in place, the Families of de Vires, Prins, and de Koning came into powder, de Vires from the North, Prins from the center, and de Koning from the South. Since then, Frisstreek has varried from times of peace, and times of war, expanding and contracting south, but now their borders have been solid for nearly a half-century with the pacifist-rule of Lord Odes. But Odes is old, and on his deathbed. Both Lord Henri and Basilius, young, ambitious men, are beginning to see the world in shades of red, and the years of peace Frisstreek has thrived under reach their close, a push for expansion has begun, craving farmland to house and feed Frisstreeks growing population.