[quote=NarcissisticPotato] This is such a brilliant idea in terms of building a community! Much better than just putting it on Kickstarter and begging for money! I wouldn't mind writing out some lore or just making characters! I'll keep a very interested eye on this though! Also, might I add that you're putting a lot of weight on your shoulders if you're the only guy coding this! [/quote] Thanks I thought so too, it's going to be a challenge for sure but I have a great team. We just need the community to grow so I can quit the day job and work on this full time because you're right, there is a LOT of work to do! [quote=Charlie] Lycans? Like Wolf people?Also if you need Voice Actor, I can help with that. :) [/quote] Yes I mean wolf people, though they're a bit different here not all about murdering peeps :D. As for voice acting that is something we may or may not do, for trailers yes but for the game its self you can't just do a couple voices, you have to voice everyone. That's hundreds of voices by the time this is done. So we may stick to text for now unless we just get overfunded to do things like that. [quote=GreenGrenade] This seems like a very cool idea, I'd be happy to help out. [/quote] I'm glad to have you. I'll be touching up the character sheets today and putting them up here. Also we just finished up that concept I was talking about... [img=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/299/4/8/urbi_lupi_main_road_final_by_livingdreament-d847wfu.png]