[quote=scribz] It's actually a factor of both. Saying that it's a choice therefore anyone being depressed is just choosing to be so is a huge simplification that ignores the chronic chemical imbalances that can be at play, and more importantly the often lacking support structure that these people need to kickstart themselves back into a functional thriving lifestyle. But saying that it's entirely not a choice and that it just happens is a huge simplification that ignores the personal steps those depressed need to make, regardless of support structure or not, in order to get out of it, as well as those who put themselves in the situations in which they'll become depressed. One side ignores the external factors that depressed people often need order to actually fight it, which leads to less altruism and care within society and adds prejudice that can make things harder.The other ignores the factor that most people have varying degrees of learned victim hood which will entirely hold them back if they don't suck it up, stop looking for things to blame, accept where they are, and personally put in the work themselves. [/quote] Well said, Scribblez.