[b]Name[/b]: Parker Albus Mors [b]Ethnicity[/b]: Caucasian [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: Twenty-four [b]Instrument(s)[/b]: Drums, guitar, vocals [b]Other Talents[/b]: Cooking, trilingual (English, Spanish, French), carpentry, gardening. [b]Occupation[/b]: Breakfast Chef at "The Best Around Waffle House" (lol Josh&Justice) [b]Appearance[/b]:[hider=Parker Mors] [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/234/f/8/rain_by_novic-d47hdh1.jpg][/hider] He doesn't have that tattoo, and the hair is always flat like that but not wet with rain, obviously. [b]Bio[/b]: Parker was born and raised in Los Angeles with his younger sister Emily and both of his parents, but not in the district of Hollywood. His mother, Marie, was an attorney for one of Parker's favorite bands - 'Rest Now, Child' - who Parker had the pleasure of meeting often, which originally piqued his interest in music and where he got his first lessons as a drummer and guitarist. His father, Kenny, was a chef at a five-star restaurant and would teach Parker how to cook before he became an alcoholic and a less involved father. Kenny was also emotionally unstable, which was seemingly passed down to Parker, unlike his alcoholism. Luckily, however, Kenny was not abusive. When Parker was fifteen, his father tried to surprise the family with a trip to Niagara Falls, but as usual was drinking and caused the family to be in a head on collision before they even made it out of California. Parker's father was somehow left mostly unharmed, but his sister Emily was killed instantly and his mother was left partially paralyzed and with brain damage, unable to do even the simplest things on her own. Parker was left with a broken shoulder, arm, and wrist on his left side, and a very bitter relationship with his father whom he obviously blamed for the crash. Parker's injuries healed fine on their own, but they left an addiction to opiates and benzodiazepines in their wake. When Parker turned seventeen, he took the large sum of money his mom had left for him and put it toward an apartment of his own in Hollywood and used it to feed his lasting pill addiction, as there are more than enough drug dealers in L.A. Kenny quit taking care of Marie shortly after, leaving her in a hospital in San Fransisco when he moved off to a location Parker never bothered to learn. Parker finished school in San Fransisco to be close to his mother who barely even knew he was in the room when he regularly visited. During his visits, he met Lucy, who had checked herself into the psychiatric ward. Not too long later Parker was dating Lucy, as they shared an interest in music and Parker seemed to bring out an inspiration in her that she had previously lost. Parker stayed in San Fransisco for a couple more years so he could attend his dream college of Vanderbilt University to hone his musical talents on a scholarship. While there, he began to get private lessons from his favorite teacher, Professor Wyclif, whose son Soren quickly became Parker's closest friend though he was four years younger than Parker. Both Soren and Parker both intended on moving to Hollywood to follow their dreams as musicians, but Parker left before Soren after graduating his second year at Vanderbilt. Around the time of Parker's graduation, he realized his drug addiction was pushing Lucy back into her own previous dark time of drugs and even saw it affect her song writing. Parker refused to be the cause of these things and reluctantly parted from her. It left a heavy feeling on him for some time after, but he knew it was the right decision. When Parker returned to Hollywood, he got a crappy studio apartment way below his saved budget so he could keep a lot of his money for his future band, which he immediately went to work to try to form. One local concert he attended, he became quite fond of the voice of a certain back-up singing guitarist. Attempting to get his attention, he attended an after party the band had that night with a group of other audience members and found the man's name was Mathew and he had no interest in starting a band with Parker. As Parker's search continued, however, Mathew was found in four of the bands Parker had been searching for talent in over the next few years until eventually Parker and Mathew became friends. Not too long after, Parker's best friend Soren moved to town and decided to move in with Parker. On that day, the metalcore band "The Harbingers" was born. Soon after, Parker and Lucy got back in contact when he discovered she was in Hollywood as well, and of course was added to the band's roster. [b]Personality[/b]: Parker is a stubborn but fun-spirited kind of guy with a silver tongue and quick wit. He may have a short temper, but he's very sympathetic and caring. He's also rather straightforward, and is a teensy bit narcissistic Add all this together and you have the emotionally unstable pill-addicted cocktail that is Parker Mors.