It was starting to get late in the evening and the sun had started going down and Matthew had been lying on the couch in the living room fast asleep watching a marathon of 21 days later. He quickly awoken just as a message came over the television warning everyone to stay in their houses, as it was playing he grabbed the remote and turned the volume up. He turned the channel only to see the message had been broadcasting over every station repeating the warning. "I repeat we urge all American citizens to remain within their homes and lock their doors. They are not to contact or trust afflicted individuals showing symptoms of Ebola, we believe this new mutated form is a hundred times deadlier than the primitive disease we knew two weeks ago. Please avoid physical contact with others and be advised until further instructions. This is Jerry Sigmund speaker of the NSA and CDG, God help us." Matthew was never one to just believe anything he was told not even on the television, but it was never a bad thing to be too careful. The boy sprung off of the couch and went to check every door, he checked the back, the front, even the windows.