[u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Caden Isiah Zorich[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Shadow Child, Basilisk[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Height:[/b] 6'6 [b]Weight:[/b] 184 [b]Faction:[/b] Skulls [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Black [b]Ethnicity:[/b] British [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Caden is a man with some odd vibes about him, he looks strange and to some downright silly. He has a very slim build, he's very tall. With some rather abnormally long limbs, his arms and legs are long. With his legs making up most of his immense height. He doesn't have any visible muscles or body-fat on him. In fact, if he takes off his clothes; most would faintly see his bones poking through his skin. He has rather thin shoulders. Caden has slightly tanned skin, his skin takes a darker shade of Caucasian. With many imperfections littering his skin. Most of these imperfections come in the form of scars. Over the years, Caden has intentionally gotten himself in some pretty vicious fights. Fights that'd leave people scarred for life. These scars vary in type, size and appearance (Some are burn scars, some are blade scars, you get the picture). They are scattered around his skin, and there's too many to note. None really stand out anymore. Fortunately, there are very few scars on his face. Except for one straight scar over his right eye. Caden is a very attractive looking person, despite his scars and personality. He has feminine, near androgynous facial features. Some could easily mistake him for a girl if they look at him from certain angles. Caden has a bony, yet rounded face. He has a small, inverted triangle shaped head. Which is wide at the top, and gets thinner and thinner as it goes down. Caden has a pointed chin, with a strong, sharp jaw-line to match. His cheekbones are round at the top, and get thinner and much more squared as it goes down. Similar to his head. He has a very small nose, with a small, thin bridge and large round nostrils. It's rather notable since his nose is very small compared to his other facial features. He has a small forehead, that is short, but wide in a way. Caden's eyes are a bit larger than average, they are mostly round, and have some pointed tips. There is something undeniably odd about his eyes, which are a side-effect of his powers. His iris's are pitch black, no natural color or anything. He still has the white around his iris, though. So, it's only really noticeable when someone looks in his eyes (Of madness). These eyes also look a bit feminine, adding much to his feminine vibe. He has thin average sized lips, that aren't too different or noticeable from other males. He has light freckles plastered across his face, most are around his cheeks, under his nose. Caden, when neutral, has a constant bored or emotionless facial expression. When happy, or "excited" his face often matches those depicted in movies as the killer - Meaning he just looks crazy. Caden's hair is a jet-black color, and appears unnatural. His hair is straight, and can grow to be quite long. Caden keeps his hair in the form of several large dreadlocks all over his head, which are all medium-length. Which gives him a humorous look - Despite his vicious personality. Caden constantly speaks with a smooth, charming British accent like the ones you'd see on TV. [b]Attire:[/b] On the "job" Caden likes to wear long coats, and cloaks. Something that makes him look mysterious. He tends to walk around without his arms in the sleeves, he uses his power to keep his sleeves from falling. Otherwise, Caden is seen wearing a hoodie (Usually), and sweat pants. Dressing rather blandly when out on the streets. Still, he looks rather shady in it, like a rapist. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] A certified creep. The kind of person you wouldn't want your kids near. People around him have certainly realized what a strange person he is. He tends to take the whole "gang-boss" thing to it's illogical extreme. He honestly sees himself as a super-villain in a cartoon. He tends to engage in comical acts of villainy, or acting over the top as possible. Because Caden [i]LOVES[/i] his dramatics. What fun is committing crime and fighting rivals if you can't let off some steam? He exhibits many traits of sociopathy, barely showing any emotional reactions (Sometimes mimicking other people's reactions), superficial charm, and illusions of grandeur. He is also completely oblivious to social norms. He will violate space, say strange things, stalk people, or won't understand some things. Merely because he believes himself as [i]above[/i] them, and ultimately insignificant. Why does he view them as insignificant? Because Caden believes that Meta-humans are the master-race. They deserve the planet, and he's their messiah. Thus, his interests are less of the Skulls, and more of helping Meta-kind. To him, he's truly neutral. He's less inclined to kill people that are meta-humans, sparing them. He'll even help them if it isn't too detrimental to him. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] N/A [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Skills? Caden didn't exactly live a life that would give him access to a lot of skills. But he is an expert fighter using his powers. He is also extremely observant, sneaky, and stealthy. His final skill is that he's a real creepazoid. Nobody wants to fuck with creep. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [b]Quote(s):[/b] "There is great [b]darkness[/b] in your heart!" "[i]I can't believe it! You're all [b]monsters![/b][/i]" "[i]You cannot hide from your darkness, child. The more you repress it, the more it wells up, and grows.... Until it's truly beautiful![/i]" “[i]The horror! The Horror![/i]” (courtesy of Joseph Conrad) [b]Family:[/b] Unknown. He was given up for adoption at birth. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Elemental/Cerebral [b]Power:[/b] [i]Inner-Darkness Manipulation.[/i] Everyone has a "darkness" inside of them. Their vile thoughts, negative emotions, doubt, sin, crimes... It builds up inside of people, and Caden can see it in people. He can sense people, and since everyone has a darkness inside of them, it's quite the people sense. When people are packed together it's near impossible to pick them apart. It's a rather irritating part of his gift. Since it takes much concentration to pick people's separate darkness apart.. Caden has quite a few usages with people's inner-darkness. First, manifest it in reality as either a smoky form, or a liquid-form, and shape it in any way imaginable. He can solidify either form to create literally anything. From weapons, to walls, to imitations of people. In fights, he usually makes shadow tentacles. Simple enough, right? Now, Caden can also transform into this darkness, and as you may have guessed, he can shape himself in literally any way. Turn his hands into weapons, or shape into another person altogether. He usually stretches his body parts to extend their reach. Caden can be the solid, smoky, or liquid form. Which itself expands his capabilities. For starters, he can go literally anywhere that isn't airtight. Next, he can fly while he's in it's smoky form. However, turning into it's smoky form will not give him intangibility, he'll still be able to be touched like anyone else. This ability also grants him a mental "dark-spot". If anyone with a telepathic, or other cerebral-type ability tries to enter his mind, all they'll see is darkness. This power grants him complete immunity to all cerebral powers that could affect his mind. The darkness Caden creates isn't "true" darkness, merely a manifestation of a metaphorical and abstract concept. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] The polar-opposite to darkness is light and pureness. For the former, being under bright lights (Any light really) can weaken his ability. Under harsh light, the darkness he creates will disappear. Though, it has to be excessively bright lights. Mere sunlight, and ambient light, won't cause that much of a difference. However, while in darkness form, bright lights can severely damage him. People with pure motives have an easier time fighting Caden, since their pureness will greatly weaken his darkness driven abilities, and his powers can’t attack them with as much force as he normally could. Caden's power also runs on fuel, the same fuel that he gets from people. The more people that are around, the more powerful he becomes, and vice-versa. If he's in a desolate area, he'll be weaker. If he's alone with one other person, then he'll barely have enough darkness to make tissue paper. His mental dark-spot also has a weakness. It only works if he's at full strength, if he gets too injured/distracted it won't work. While in darkness form, Caden has a small light on his body that represents his inner-light. If anyone strikes this area, he will turn back to normal and will be severely stunned. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Caden Zorich is a top enforcer for Skeleton, but wishes to unite both the Vanguard and the Skulls, and is searching for any methods of peace. [youtube]0UK0yubp7Kk[/youtube]