[u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Samson Isiah Jeross Jr[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Glorious/Punished Phoenix, Sam, Sammy, Kid[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height:[/b] 5'10 [b]Weight:[/b] 182 [b]Faction:[/b] Vanguard [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Ethnicity:[/b] African American/Jamaican [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Samson is a large, intimidating force. He's a very large, muscular, good looking. The kind of person you wouldn't want to mess with. People who encounter him immediately realize that he's quite the gruff person. Despite this, Samson emanates an aura of kindness, determination, that betrays this rough appearance. He seemingly appears like the leader of any group, who'd rush out and have an adventure. Samson obviously appears to be African-American, his skin is a very dark shade of brown, nearly black. Upon close examination, people may realize that his skin is coated in large, black freckles. He also has plenty of scars on his body, obviously implying that he's been in several brutal battles in the past, and implies that he has injuries that he shouldn't have been able to survive. He has a massive slashing scar at his gut, that appears on his gut and his back. Like he was impaled, but survived, or did he? Other than that, Samson has a variety of knife scars on his arms, and chest. There's a conspicuous scar of a slash across Samson's throat that implies that his throat has been sliced before. Finally, there's a scar that encompasses Samson's foot, right above the ankle, implying that it's been cut off. That out of the way, he has an intricate pattern of tattoos. The first tattoo that he has is on his right cheek. It appears to be an eagle with it's wings spread, covered in flames that are angled downwards. Like the phoenix is taking flight. The other tattoo he has is on the left side of his chest. This tattoo is of the sun and is very tribal-like. The "flames" of the sun extends far enough to reach his shoulder, belly and the top of his neck. His arms are covered in a tribal-style wreath of flames, starting below his shoulder, going up to his hands. Samson is quite the attractive fellow. His facial features are very strong, and bulky. Samson has a tear-drop shaped head, and square shaped face. His head seemingly gets smaller as someone would go down. His chin looks odd compared to the rest of his face. His chin seems to stick out from the bottom of his head. It's appears to be much larger than average and is a double chin. He has a very sharp and pronounced jawline. His cheeks are wide, in almost all other categories they are average. His nose is mostly medium/average sized, he has a very long nose bridge. His lips are thin and small, most people won't find his lips to be too noticeable. His eyes are small, colored brown and usually has a look of determination in them. Samson has long, straight hair that is a deep black color, and styled in the fashion of thick dreadlocks. These dreadlocks hang off the back of his head. [b]Attire:[/b] Samson has a lowly, out on of the town style of clothing. He likes to wear jackets of any kind, and jean pants. Most of the time he does try his best to wear something different every day. There's several things consistent about him when he goes out is three things. Samson wears a tan straw-hat fedora with a string that hoists it to his head. He's absolutely never seen without this hat. This hat is either resting on the top of his head, or hanging off the back of his neck hoisted by that string. Samson's always wearing gold-tinted goggles over his eyes, it helps with his power a bit. Especially when he's flying around, he likes to keep bugs out of his eyes. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Naturally people see Samson as a good person, the kind of guy who always makes people seem at ease. He displays an impressive amount of leadership skills, and is charismatic enough to make allies very easily. He looks out for his friends, and will never leave a man behind. Samson is always a determined person, when ever he gets into something he'll always see it through. Even if it's stupid or won't end well for him. In his eyes everything will end well in one way or another. Apart of his upbringing also demands that he never (consciously) break a promise. Samson has a code of honor that he set up for himself. He'll always show honor to people and never will he disgrace or trick people - Even if they're his opponents. In truth he only has this honor system to make himself seem important and good compared to everyone else. Samson is a strong, hardened person, who has been strengthened by what he's been through in the past. He tries to never show weaknesses, and always appear at his prime, even if he's in the middle of some pretty damaging emotional and physical trauma. Thus, he's the kind of guy who never lets people into his "fortress", nor will he share his feelings, unless he really has faith and uppermost trust in someone. He's very slow to anger, and tends to brush most insults off very easily, but once he gets really fired up, he tends to be quite hard to control, and may lose rational thought. He's a guy that's just a natural born warrior. He grew up fighting to defend himself, and hell, he really had experience to teach him. In fact, this goes far enough that the man grew up with a love for combat, and the rush he gets from it. Samson really believes that he's so powerful, that most basic opponents are just a breeze for him. He long for an opponent that could match him, a challenge that he needs to give his all to overcome. Which was apart of the reason that he joined Vanguard - He sees that opponent in the Skulls. When Samson fights, he fights with zero regards for himself and his personal safety, as he believes himself to be invincible. Anything hits him, he'll heal, and if he gets killed, he'll come back. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Samson has a few. Samson has earned his red-belt in Karate, and is a very good fist fighter, experience had taught him to be good. He practices often. His body is also seemingly at his prime from all the strength training he's done. Apart of his self-training, Samson has picked up a few medical skills, just in case, and knows how to use a first aid kit. He knows how to use a gun, and has acquired his gun license, not that he needs to use a gun. His aim is pretty b*tchin'. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] His straw-hat fedora. [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"Look, kid, my father was one sh*tty guy, but he had some wisdom. He told me to always see things through, never give up, and never show weakness. And I'm passing that little tidbit over to you."[/i] [b][u]Relationships[/u][/b] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Phoenix.[/i] Putting it plain and simple, Samson is the legendary Phoenix. The fire-bird, and he has a wide array of fire based abilities. However, Samson is currently unaware of his true ability, he knows of two abilities: his pyromancery, regeneration, and flight. First and foremost, Samson is capable of creating infinite amounts of fire, controlling all fires, controlling the heat and intensity of fire, generating heat, and changing the color of fire. One unique ability Samson has is that he can control what his fire burns. Anything he doesn't want to burn will get soothingly warm. Thus making friendly-fire (No pun intended) a nonissue. The second phoenix ability that Samson possess is regeneration. Samson's kept at his prime because of his constantly regenerating cells. His regeneration isn't on par with, say, wolverine. But wounds will heal amazingly fast. Any wound he gets will be wreathed in fire, until the wound is gone. Samson can heal small wounds instantly, moderate wounds in seconds, and major wounds in minutes. Samson's tears have a healing property, thus, if he cries on someone, their cells will be repaired and healed. Finally, Samson can wreath himself in fire and fly around. He is capable of fast flying, and mobility while in the air. Below are the abilities he is unaware of [i]Phoenix Form.[/i] While he's currently unaware of it, Samson is capable of transforming into the legendary fire-bird itself. The first trait of this ability is that this transformation is less like a transformation, and more like a mech-suit. It builds a creature made out of solid flames, while keeping Samson, the core, protected. Any damage that the phoenix body will receive will not transfer to him, but his phoenix body possess the same degree of regeneration that Samson does. His Phoenix-form has the exact appearance of a Bearded Vulture (Except made of fire!). Down to the wings, beaks, talons, and other features. His Phoenix form is large, standing at 24ft tall and having a wingspan of 44ft. His phoenix form is insanely hot and bright, casting a light in all directions. Obviously, the first thing Samson can do while in Phoenix mode is fly. While he's not that agile or swift, he can go quite fast (120 Mph). This Phoenix form gives Samson some large and powerful talons, allowing him to slash foes with super heated flames. This form also gives him a great degree of strength, capable of easily lifting cars and breaking holes in walls with little damage down to Samson. Being a phoenix also greatly enhances his pryomancery abilities. It increases his range to a macro-level, he can create more flames, and make them much hotter and more intense than before. Truly making him a threat. In Phoenix form, Samson can also control ash and soot, which is a fairly powerful element on it's own. Samson is capable of selectively transforming parts of his body into the phoenix form (Like his arms into wings) to gain some of it's power. [i]Self-Resurrection.[/i] Samson possesses the famed power of the phoenix, self-resurrection. Once killed, Samson explodes into a cloud of fire, ash, and smoke, effectively leaving no body behind. Days later, all the ash will gather, and he'll be born anew, brought back to physical state where he died. With all of his memories and his body in perfect state. Thus, Samson is more or less immortal. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Samson's weakness is the cold, and water. Throwing water on his fire will extinguish it. Throwing water on Samson will greatly weaken all of his abilities, and cut him off from his phoenix form. Tossing him into a body of water can also be lethal, because being submerged in water will gradually drain his strength until he's power, oh, and he physically can't swim (Like in One Piece). Dying of drowning will kill Samson permanently. Other elements that extinguish flames are also effective against him. While Samson has regeneration and self-resurrection; he's not invincible. He can be killed the same ways anyone else can. You can also stop his resurrection by throwing his ashes into a body of water - Thus killing him for good. Introducing water in his ashes will also slow down his revival. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [youtube]UfBOeu9m64E[/youtube]